The Weekly Focal Point

The Weekly Focal Point - November 7

A Disconnect

Many say they love God, and yet are seemingly indifferent about the departure from and rebellion against the principles and precepts of God’s word that we see all around us. “To each his own,” “Live and let live,” “We can’t cram our convictions down other people’s throats,” you’ll hear them say. And yet the claim of sincere love coexisting with complete indifference toward mutiny against someone would be an unthinkable pairing in any other arena of life. If you sincerely love your wife, while her work is being maligned, her home is being ridiculed, or her car is being vandalized, you certainly wouldn’t shrug your shoulders and say, “Everyone’s got a right to their own opinions.” You would naturally feel indignant, repulsed, and stirred to defend the things she has created, promoted, and cared for. Perhaps that is the crux of the disconnect for modern Christians—we simply don’t see how God’s commands relate to the God we love. Maybe the problem is that we fail to see how God has personally and intimately expressed himself in the instructions found in his eternal word. Instead of displaying passivity, those in the past who clearly saw this connection wrote: “Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked who forsake your law,” “My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law,” and “I look at the faithless with disgust because they do not keep your commands” (Psalm 119: 53, 136, 158) . Of course we must be careful how we manage these kinds of feelings, being sure to never express them in sinful ways, but we also should never expect to truly love God without experiencing them.

-- Pastor Mike


A grateful heart recognizes God’s grace and blessing at every moment, in every circumstance.  We could consume all of our time and attention focusing on life’s difficulties, but the Bible says that would be a mistake (not to mention a good way to make ourselves miserable, bitter, envious, and faithless).  Because God is great and most worthy of praise (Psalm 96:4), we are never short of good and awesome things for which we should take note.  In obedience to God’s Word, we must turn our hearts and our voices to Him in joyful thanksgiving.

In Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy.  Nancy Leigh DeMoss talks about the why, when and how of giving thanks according to God’s Word and how gratitude has the power to change our lives.  The book also includes helpful bonus materials, including a list of thanksgiving hymns and a 30-day devotional guide to gratitude.  Make sure you get a copy for your home.  Request Choosing Gratitude with your donation of any amount this month.

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