Encouragement Café

Self-Destructing Mama Guilt - Encouragement Café - May 8, 2014

Self-Destructing Mama Guilt

Café Menu for Thursday, May 8, 2014

Today’s Special is: Put Guilt on the Shelf

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Amy Duncan

Main Ingredient:

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

- Proverbs 22:6 KJV


Guilt, Mama Guilt.

Do you have Mama guilt?

It seems there are always things for mothers to feel guilty about. Did I start my child in school too early? Should I sign them up for a sport or all sports? When friends come to me with their problems, I am the first one to say, “Put the guilt on the shelf” for most issues.

I believe as mothers we have too much guilt and it can be self-destructing. But my biggest dilemma since my son came into this world has been: to work or not to work. Now, first let me clarify one thing, ALL mothers work; however what I am referring to is working outside of the home. My son, Zeke, is now nine years old, and I still debate this decision.

I chose to go back to work. I currently work four days a week, my concession being that I have Fridays off to spend with Zeke. When asked to write on this subject, I asked God, “How can I write and encourage when I haven’t found peace myself?”

A friend once said to me, “I am a better mother because I work.” My mother worked for a short time when my brothers and I were little and I remember crying when she left us. I will never forget the day I left Zeke with our daycare provider. I cried most of the night before.

So, what is the answer ladies?

Well, for me it comes to the meaning of success. Long before Zeke was born, I knew in my heart the true success for motherhood and/or parenthood would be to lead him to the Lord. If I did nothing else, his salvation was first and foremost. My husband and I vowed to the Lord while praying for a child that we would raise him in the Word. Jesus said in Proverbs 22:6 “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

What in this world is more important than teaching your child about Christ? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!

Zeke has made a decision for the Lord, and I was fortunate enough to be there when he did. I don’t know how he will feel in the years to come about my working, but I know one thing, if I should leave this world tomorrow, he knows Jesus. Praise the Lord.

Take Out:

Ladies, don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to your neighbor. Make your decision to return to work based on your family and individual circumstances. Whatever you choose, remember what Jesus said and stand on His promises.


Lord Jesus, please help us as mothers to remember Your grace and that our number one job is to train up a child in Your ways.

© 2014 by Amy Duncan. All rights reserved.

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