Alternative View - December 4, 2017

Jesus As Lord

. . . that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. - (Romans 10:9–10)

When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, His righteousness was immediately imputed to you as your righteousness. You were “saved” in the eternal sense of the word. Yet when you make a public confession of Jesus Christ as your Lord, you are “saved” as well—you receive His deliverance in the here and now, in history (Romans 10:9–10).

The word saved in Romans 10:9 means to be rescued, or delivered.The reason why a lot of people who are going to heaven are not seeing heaven join them in history is that they have believed but they have not confessed. They have declared within themselves whom they are trusting for their salvation. But they have not made an ongoing public confession of Him as their Lord—through word and deed.

In biblical days, Christians would be brought before the magistrates because they were declaring Jesus as Lord in both speech and actions. The term lord means supreme ruler or authority. The Roman authorities would attempt to get the Christians to declare Caesar as lord, and to deny Jesus as supreme ruler and authority. Believing in Jesus didn’t get the Christians hung or tossed to the lions for sport. Believing in Jesus as the rightful ruler and lord did. There’s a difference.

Reflection: When has God given you an opportunity to confess Him this week? How has God shown His goodness in your life and that of your family? How do we see His goodness in Scripture—and how can you proclaim that to others this week?

Jesus, You are the Lord of my life. Give me the grace to make that clear through every area of my life. Grant me the boldness to proclaim Your name publicly and to share the goodness of who You are with others.

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