The Weekly Focal Point - February 19


The Bible repeatedly tells us that God’s wisdom is readily available to us and would enhance our lives in countless ways, including the expansion of our lot in eternity, but sadly we choose to leave much of it unclaimed. The diagnosis? We love our sin way too much. We’re told that we leave a majority of God’s life-giving wisdom on the table because “simple ones love their simple ways” and “mockers delight in their mockery” (Pr.1:20-22). As Jesus put it, “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed” (Jn.3:20). We should consider what our sin is really costing us. We not only run from God when we sin, we run from the blessings of God’s wisdom. It is scary to step into the light, that is true. But that is part of the process. The truth is “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Pr.9:10; 1:7; 15:33, etc.) furthermore “the fear of the Lord is the fountain of life” (Pr.14:27; 19:23; 22:4, etc.). It may be difficult to “face the Lord” in moments of honest introspection, owning the ways we fall short, but don’t ever forget it is also the watershed of his enduring blessing.

-- Pastor Mike


WFP offer
Tragically, biblical truth is sometimes used in unbiblical ways. In fact, it’s all too easy to make this costly error without knowing it. We might uphold some aspect of God’s Word with resolute focus, while using that same affirmation to deny some other clear teaching of Scripture. A classic example of this occurs with the doctrine of God’s sovereignty.  God’s complete dominion over our lives is a thoroughly biblical and foundational truth.  But if my zeal for this doctrine causes my enthusiasm for evangelism to wane, then I’m using this biblical truth in an unbiblical way.
As a token of our appreciation for your gift, I’d like to send you an excellent book by renowned author Randy Alcorn called hand in HAND:  The Beauty of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Choice.  Randy does a wonderful job examining God’s sovereignty and human choice in light of all Scripture.  This book will help you compare the different views on the issue, understand God more deeply, appreciate the freedom God’s given us, and learn how to communicate this doctrine with clarity and compassion.
Request Hand in Hand by Randy Alcorn with your donation this month.

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