4 Life Lessons to Help Mom Get Through the Day

Sarah Coleman

Disclaimer: If you do not have toddlers with a Peppa Pig obsession you will not understand this article. At all. For the moms with children who watch Peppa Pig on high rotation, enjoy.

Peppa, George, Mummy Pig, and Daddy Pig are a happy family of piggies and a toddler phenomenon sweeping the globe.

Show me a toddler who does not love Peppa Pig. 

While holidaying overseas, my husband and I appeased our children with endless episodes of Peppa Pig on planes and in transit. We invariably found the intro music (It's in your head now isn't it? No need to thank me) had a pied-piper effect, gathering children near or far, for five minutes of parental peace.

Show me a parent who does not love Peppa Pig.

Peppa teaches children important life skills such as the Bing Bong song, appropriate exercise habits, and how to use Sat Nav. And you know what? There are even a few take home messages for busy moms as well.

1. When it rains, go jump in muddy puddles

You know the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Rainy days spoil plans but don't get down. Channel your inner Peppa, grab the kids, put on your gumboots and jump in muddy puddles.

Rainy days will come, but take heart, the trouble is momentary. Jesus has overcome (John 16:33). The sun will shine again, and when it does, let the rainy days become a launching pad. God works all things together for good (Romans 8:28) and the joy of jumping in muddy puddles is just that.

2. Miss Rabbit can do everything

Miss Rabbit does everything: flies the rescue helicopter, serves at the grocery store, sells tickets at Potato City, she even lends her voice to Nanny Plum. No wonder she received an award from the Queen.

When I was single, I was Miss Rabbit. I was youth and children's pastor at church, assisted two para-church organizations in a leadership role, flew overseas on missions trips twice a year, and regularly spoke at other churches on the weekend. I did everything.

Now, I don't do any of that. I am a mother and my priority is looking after my children. I still lead a full life, but it is not as exciting as it used to be.

Sometimes I still think I am Miss Rabbit, instead of Mrs Rabbit (Miss Rabbit's twin sister). I think I can do everything I used to, as well as look after my family. And when I do, things crumble - fast.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time [for children] to be born... (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2).

You know, while I was single and involved in so many projects, I was secretly pining for the life of Mrs Rabbit, longing for a time when I would be loved upon my husband and adoring children. You probably were too. So I've released the pressure I put on myself, and come to leave the crazy, hand-in-every-pie life to the Miss Rabbits of this world.

3. Watching television is not a talent

 “The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’" (Matthew 25:21).

In a world of endless electronic stimulation, children need skills and talents taught first hand by mothers and grandmothers. Television and iPads are great, but they are no substitute for real experiences.

You are a multi-tasker of many skills. Don't neglect to pass your expertise on to your child. Sing along to his favorite songs. Teach her to dance. Show him how to hit a ball. Teach him about Jesus. Read Bible stories. Get up on Sunday morning and take her to church. Be faithful and transfer talents to your kiddies. Yours is the voice she needs to hear louder than media.

4. Let's dig up the road

On the road of life there are delays and situations that slow us down, but for Peppa and the fam, it's all part of the adventure. "Let's dig up the road," they cry.

But in the middle of major upheaval, digging up the road is not an adventure. It's inconvenient. It never fits with the schedule and brings added burdens. But sometimes the old has to make way for the new. Detours and obstacles are preparation for the future.

What kind of leader would Joseph have been without prison? Moses could not have led the Israelites without forty years in the wilderness. Daniel was an exile who advised three kingdoms. Their digging up the road experiences built character and launched them into destiny. The key for them was perseverance. It's yours too.

Patient endurance is what you need. God's promise is just around the corner (Hebrews 10:35). Mr Bull will fix the road in time.

If all else fails, sit tight, sing a few songs, kick up your heels, and have a good old belly laugh. In the words of Peppa Pig, "Ho, ho, ho. Everybody loves a good belly laugh."

I'm Sarah Coleman, an Aussie who's passionate about Jesus & family. Through blogs and books I minister life and encouragement. Download my FREE eBook, Be Amazing: You Know You Want To. Find more of my thoughts at

Publication date: February 27, 2015