The Weekly Focal Point - April 14


Our Maker tells us in his word that our volition can and should take charge of our emotions. God has so designed our minds and now insists that we not be tyrannized by our feelings. It may not be easy. At times it will be a fierce battle, but our decision-making must not be conscripted by our fickle moods and emotions. Consider the Psalmist who taught God’s people to marshal their inmost being: “Praise the Lord, O my soul; and all my inmost being, praise his holy name” (Ps.103:1). Even when fears grip the psalmist’s heart his response is, “In God I trust; I will not be afraid” (Ps.56:11). Circumstances will obviously ignite our feelings, but God has designed us and called us to take charge and lead with our volition and not our emotions. If we let our feelings lead we will inevitably be driven and tossed by the tide of our circumstances. May God’s Spirit embolden our minds to lead and allow our feelings to fall inline.

-- Pastor Mike


In "Is the Bible True, Really?: A Dialogue on Skepticism, Evidence, and Truth," we meet Nick, a college freshman at a state school in Texas. Nick has his spiritual world turned upside-down with what he hears in an introduction to religion class. His questions turn into conversations as he dialogues with professors, friends, and family about the authenticity and authority of the Bible.
This easily devoured novella aims at answering a prevalent spiritual question about the truth of Scripture. This book tackles the authenticity of the Bible, answering the question through relationships and dialogue.

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