Adventures through the Holy Bible

Adventures through the Holy Bible - Week of October 9


God Knows…When I’m Left Out or Left Behind – Part 1
Someone was feeling left out. For some reason, Thomas was not with the others when Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples after His resurrection. When a person feels left out, he sometimes becomes jealous, hurt, moody, and even unreasonable.
The others eagerly told Thomas that Jesus was alive. “We’ve seen Him,” they said. “He talked to us!” They explained from Scripture the facts of His life and death.
Thomas wouldn’t listen. He refused to believe the disciples’ story that Jesus had risen. “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side,” he told the others, “I will not believe.” For a whole week doubted the disciples’ story.
One evening, Jesus arrived while Thomas and the other disciples were eating supper. Knowing what Thomas had been thinking all week, Jesus spoke to him right away: “Thomas, put your finger here, and see My hands; put out your hand, and place it in My side. Stop your doubting, and believe.” Thomas recognized Jesus. Finally, the proof he needed. Full of joy he cried out, “My Lord and my God!”
“You believe because you’ve seen me,” said Jesus. “Blessed are those who haven’t seen Me but believe anyway.”
Heaven has a special blessing for anyone who reaches out to Jesus with the hand of faith. If we are willing to accept that Jesus is our Lord and God, we will find the happiness of faith, hope, and love. If we look on the dark side, our doubts will grow. We will never be forced to believe against our will. God gave us freedom to choose.
When Thomas felt left out and skeptical, he had a miserable week. How was his reality transformed? By looking at Jesus. As long as he focused on himself, he felt worse and worse. But by turning to Jesus, his Master and God, he found joy again.
Though we can’t look at Jesus in person, we can see Him with the eye of faith. We can get close to Him by studying His words and by talking with Him in prayer. And if we do this, Jesus has promised we will be blessedly happy.
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