Encouragement Café

Sorrow with Hope - Encouragement Café - December 6, 2016


Sorrow With Hope
By Carolyn Dale Newell
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.  1 Thessalonians 4:13 NKJV

My husband sits by his brother’s side, speaking words of peace and love to him.  For months, Matt has been in and out of hospitals and nursing homes.  Soon, his suffering will end.

The hours tick by as Matt waits for angels to carry him across Jordan.  Matt has fought.  He was so close to a liver transplant, but it was not part of God’s plan.  My husband knows that, even if he does not understand it now.  

He did all a brother could do for Matt.

The family will sorrow, but not like those who sorrow with no hope.  Matt has assured us of his relationship with Jesus Christ.  This quiet young man who loved pizza, his dog CoCo, and the dollar stores, loved Jesus. 

When he departs this world filled with pain, he will slip into the glories of heaven.  As Matt walks through the valley of the shadow of death, Jesus walks with him.  It is just a shadow, just a veil to slip through.

What a wondrous moment that must be when he steps out of darkness into heaven.

We have the confidence of knowing without a doubt that we will join Matt one day.  Yes, we grieve, but we have that hope.

Somewhere another family weeps, but they have no hope.  That is a sorrow which will never be comforted.

Do you have hope?  Do you know Jesus?

You can never do enough good works or give enough money to enter heaven.  There is only one way, and it is Jesus.  Jesus made a way when He paid the sin debt on the cross.
When you genuinely trust Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will share in this hope.  It’s not a “hope so” salvation, but a “know so” salvation.

God has received glory numerous times when doctors and nurses witnessed His mighty hand upon Matt.  Now, Matt’s story will bring God glory each time a sinner comes to saving faith by hearing it.

When you miss your loved ones, talk to God.  Allow His healing touch to comfort your grieving heart.  Cherish your memories and live your life in a manner that honors them and brings God glory.

Lord Jesus, Loved ones already have the joy of Your presence.  We will be along shortly.  Come quickly, Lord Jesus.  Until then, lavish us with Your divine comfort.  Amen.

© 2016 by Carolyn Dale Newell.  All rights reserved.

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