
Time to Spring Clean Your Financial Files

Spring is here! The house isn't the only thing that may need some dusting off.
Published Apr 04, 2017
Time to Spring Clean Your Financial Files

Spring is in the air.

The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the temperatures are warming. Who doesn’t love this time of year? Not only does spring remind us of the beauty of the outdoors, but it also reminds us to get our homes organized—in other words, to do a little spring cleaning.

This year, though, while you are cleaning out the garage, shampooing carpet, and organizing closets, we suggest that you do a little spring cleaning in another area of your life—your money. Regardless of where you are on your journey to financial peace, you’ve got to stay organized to win with money.

Centuries ago, Solomon said, “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds” (Proverbs 27:23). In other words, it’s important to know where things stand—and that takes organization. After all, if you don’t know where your stuff is, how in the world can you use it most effectively?

Related: What Does the Bible Say About Minimalism?

So what exactly does a financial spring cleaning look like? We have some suggestions:

Clean out file drawers

Do you really still need that cable bill from August 1999? Seriously? You need to keep old bills, bank statements, tax documents and other important papers for varying lengths of time. But utility bills, sales receipts for minor purchases, and ATM and bank deposit slips can be shredded after a few months.

Organize all of your financial files into one easily accessible place. Then determine what to shred and what to save. You'll be amazed at how much you've been holding on to.

Prune unnecessary expenses

Are you really getting your money’s worth with that gym membership? Do you really need 250 cable channels? Is it necessary to have a landline and a cell phone? While you’re organizing your file drawer this spring, take an in-depth look at your finances and see where you can cut back costs. This is especially important—and should be a top priority—if you are still working your way out of debt.

Related: The Myth of Using Debt as a Tool

Update important documents

When was the last time you checked your car insurance? Your home insurance? Tax withholdings? Your will, 401(k) or Roth IRA? If it’s been awhile, then now is the time to make sure you have all the coverages and investments you need. What made sense two years ago might not work for you today. In the middle of all this spring cleaning, make sure you are protecting yourself, your family and your future!

You may not have flocks and herds, but God has given you some incredible financial and material blessings to manage. Don’t fall behind by letting them fall into a disorganized mess.

Spring is a great time to get re-energized and refocused on your financial situation before summer arrives with all its distractions. The small amount of time you spend now getting your financial house in order will pay off for you in the long run.

How will you apply these tips to your life?

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This article originally appeared on Used with permission.

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock/Choreograph

Publication date: April 4, 2017

Originally published April 01, 2019.