Truth For Life Daily, with Alistair Begg

Truth for Life - May 6, 2017

May 6

A New House

We abide in him. - 1 John 4:13

Do you want a house for your soul? You may ask, "How much does it cost?" Something less than proud human nature would like to pay. It is without money and without price. But you would like to pay a respectable rent! You would love to do something to win Christ? Then you cannot have the house, for it is without price.

Will you take my Master's house on a lease for all eternity, with nothing to pay for it, nothing but the rent of loving and serving Him forever? Will you take Jesus and dwell in Him? This house is furnished with all you want; it is filled with riches more than you can spend as long as you live. In this house you can have intimate communion with Christ and feast on His love; the tables are well-stocked with food for you to live on forever; in it, when weary, you can find rest with Jesus; and from it you have a view of heaven itself.

Will you have the house? If you are homeless, you will say, "I should like to have the house; but may I have it?" Yes; the key is, "Come to Jesus." "But," you say, "I am too shabby for such a house." Never mind; there are garments inside. If you feel guilty and condemned, come; and though the house is too good for you, Christ will make you good enough for the house soon enough. He will wash you and cleanse you, and you will yet be able to sing, "We dwell in Him."

Believer, your happiness will be multiplied in having such a dwelling-place! What a privilege for you to live in such a secure dwelling--a place of safety. And dwelling in Him, you have not only a perfect and secure house, but an everlasting one. When this world shall have melted like a dream, our house shall live and stand more imperishable than marble, more solid than granite, self-existent as God, for it is God Himself--"We abide in him."

Family Bible reading plan

verse 1 Numbers 14

verse 2 Psalms 50

My 1st Books and More

My 1st Books and More is a compilation from the series My 1st Book . . .  by Carine MacKenzie and Philip Ross. Consolidating the content from all of these titles in one resource, My 1st Books and More gives parents a comprehensive study tool from which to teach children Christian values, the Gospel, the nature of the One True God, Jesus Lord and Saviour, the Psalms, and prayers from Scripture. Presented in a devotional style question and answer format, My 1st Books and More contains more than a year’s worth (371) questions and answers for parents to discuss with young children. Not intended for independent reading by children, this book is for families to share God-centered, Christ-honoring, character-building teaching.

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From Morning & Evening revised and edited by Alistair Begg copyright © 2003. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,