Peaceful Ride - Encouragement Café - January 18

Peaceful Ride
 By Luann Prater

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

The fair had come to town, and I couldn’t wait to take my little girl to see the lights. Hand-in-hand, we strolled through the livestock buildings to see the bunnies, the cows, and the horses. We smelled the caramel corn, drooled over the candy apples, and gobbled up the cotton candy. Then at dusk, we made our way to the midway.

The ears on my two-year-old perked up as she heard the calliope music playing. The carnival sideshows were barking at every passerby. The crowd was shuffling to and fro. Her little eyes were bright with wonder. Then, she spotted the most fascinating sight of all….the Ferris Wheel!

Her head tilted back, as far as it would go, to view the very tip-top. This was it; the ride she must try. She grabbed my hand, ran toward it, and squealed with excitement. Mom’s feet just couldn’t move fast enough. We waited in line, mesmerized by the lights and sounds dancing above our heads.

Finally, it was our turn. We boarded the seat and they shut the door. I use that word “door” loosely because it was a thin piece of metal, barely 6 inches high. Knowing this flimsy hung of aluminum was all that separated us from plunging to our death was a little unnerving.

I had always been a bit of a daredevil, but now I had to consider the precious little one by my side. She obviously had inherited my adventuresome gene because she jumped right in.

As the wheel began to raise, my daughter’s hands found their way to my arm. The higher we climbed, the tighter her grip. Of course, when we rose to the top, it stopped for what seemed like an eternity.

Slowly and cautiously, the bundle beside me began to ease her way onto my lap and clutched my neck. She was clinging to the one thing that was dependable, mom.

We made our way around and around; experiencing the sinking feeling descending and the exhilaration ascending. We enjoyed it all, the ups and the downs. Holding tightly to one another made the ride less scary and more enjoyable.

“Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13 NIV

The Hebrew word for keep is ‘samar’ which means to guard or CLING to. So this passage tells us to, “Fear God and cling to His commandments.”

Life is often like that ride. It takes us soaring and sends us crashing. Each year brings new challenges, new adventures, and moments that may chill us to the bone. We can never be too sure of what awaits us around the bend.

However, there is One we can be sure of and on whom we should cling. As we go through the ups and downs of life with its exhilarating highs and disappointing pitfalls, God challenges us to cling to Him and His commandments.  Life is uncertain, yet God is a sure thing.

Life. It’s thrilling, scary, and unpredictable. Cling to the One who created the road and the map, then hang on through the troubles and enjoy the peaceful ride.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for always being there for us when we need You. Thank You for being that one dependable thing for us in a big and scary and definitely unpredictable world. We cling to You Lord, thank You for being there.  In the precious name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

© 2021 by Luann Prater. All rights reserved.

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