What Business Are You In – Construction or Demolition? - HomeWord - January 12, 2018

What Business Are You In – Construction or Demolition?
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life.Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

Recently, I saw the video of an old stadium somewhere being demolished. It was the kind of demolition where a team of experts strategically place explosives and set them off in a quick series of explosions. The stadium collapses on itself in a matter of seconds. It’s likely you’ve also seen video of buildings being destroyed in this way. What I find most amazing is that these stadiums and buildings take months or even years to plan and build and yet it only takes a moment to destroy them.

These video scenes reminded me that our words also have the ability to build or destroy. By the use of our words we can either be in the “construction” or “demolition” business. With our words, we can build up other people over a lifetime. Or, in a moment – using strategically placed verbal explosions – we can destroy others.

Obviously, God calls His people to be in the “construction” business. With careful planning, patience and intentional hard work, each of us has the opportunity through our words to encourage and build up others so that they can fulfill the potential of becoming all that God has designed them to be. The result is a person of inner quality and beauty.

So, which business are you in: construction or demolition? The words you use with others will reflect your choice.


1. Think of a person in your life who is in need of building up by your encouragement. Commit to speaking with this person in the next few days.

2. Do you have any relationships that have suffered because of your words? If so, what actions can you take to repair any damage your words have done?


Matthew 12:36-37; James 3:2-12; Proverbs 15:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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