Encouragement for Today

4 Secrets to Prayer for Husbands - Encouragement for Today - April 30, 2018

Bruce Wilkinson

April 30, 2018
4 Secrets to Prayer for Husbands

“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.’” Proverbs 31:28-29 (ESV)

Struggles, failures, sins, betrayals, hurts, wounds, disappointments and crushing defeats.

Life comes packaged with all these challenges, and marriage provides the overcoming power not only to endure it all but hopefully to learn and, by God’s grace, eventually overcome. My marriage has experienced all of these, yet today we’re stronger than ever.

Our response to life’s challenges is always more important than the actual events. Each of those difficult moments is simply an obstacle that God permits in your life so you can learn the deeper secrets of how to overcome and enjoy surpassing victories.

How true is the quip, “Behind every successful man is an even greater woman!” Now, after almost 50 years of marriage, I’ve been asked to reveal my wife Darlene’s secrets. Not just secrets she knows, but secrets Darlene has used “on me, for me” for decades.

Today’s key verse reminds us that what and who your husband becomes is massively related to the degree you’ve helped him. And wives who flourish in their role will inevitably hear this type of a statement from their husbands and children: “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all’” (Proverbs 31:28-29).

So … what are these “secret” ways to pray for husbands? Here are four of our favorites:

Secret #1: Appeal to God in prayer to help your husband succeed in his work.
God has wired men to achieve and labor to become successful in their work. (Of course, women desire to achieve and become successful as well, but wives have a unique role in helping their husbands!) Learn his biggest breakthrough, what he hopes to achieve in his current work, and what he’s looking to achieve in his next career move. Anyone can pray a general prayer, but you have the heart to really uncover what would make him dance and shout for joy.

Secret #2: Appeal to God to help your husband overcome his problems.
If your husband isn’t facing at least one problem that might discourage him, then wait until tomorrow! Whether it’s a difficult boss, a lack of money, the temptation to sin or a struggle with discouragement, just imagine how your husband will feel when he discovers you care so much that you’ll help shoulder the weight with him.

Secret #3: Appeal to God to transform your husband into the image of Christ. 
This is the most powerful type of praying. Instead of nagging, ask God to do the very thing He wants — to transform your husband more and more to be like Jesus in his character and conduct. Choose one character quality (such as patience, love or kindness) that you know your husband wishes he had more of … and make that your primary prayer focus.

Secret #4: Appeal to God to draw your husband into a closer relationship with Christ.
Ultimately when this happens, God’s Spirit will empower your husband in every area of his life. Ask God to draw your husband into repentance so that he can experience the incredible grace, mercy and compassion of the Father.

You, my friend, are a jewel who holds the power to influence your husband in ways beyond what you may have ever even realized. Yes, you have God’s ear. And His heart. Discover how much He cares as you learn to take everything to Him in prayer.

Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (ESV)

Are you unsure of how to best pray for your husband? Ever struggle to find words that are meaningful and honest? Filled with more than 50 topics of insightful, guided prayers and carefully matched Scriptures, Prayers of Blessing Over Your Husband by Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair will empower you to become a powerful force of prayer in your husband's life. Available from Barnes and NobleAmazon and bookstores everywhere.

Gain insights and encouragement from Bruce Wilkinson on Facebook.

How’d you like to WIN a copy of Prayers of Blessing Over Your Husband by Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair? To celebrate this brand-new book, Harvest House will give away 5 copies! Enter to win by simply leaving a comment here. {We'll randomly select 5 winners and email notifications to each one by Monday, May 7, 2018.}

What are three challenging problems you know your husband (or a dear friend) struggles with? How can you begin praying for God to intervene today?

© 2018 by Bruce Wilkinson. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries thanks Harvest House Publishers for their sponsorship of today's devotion.

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