Are You Losing Hope? - From His Heart - July 20


When I was in seminary, I took a class in Christian Counseling. While I do not remember lots about it, I do remember this one thing my professor said, "When people come in to see you to talk about their problems, the main thing they need to leave with is H-O-P-E." I have never forgotten that powerful bit of advice.

So many people I know are losing hope - losing hope that their marriage will ever get better, losing hope that they will ever feel better physically or emotionally, losing hope that they will ever conquer their addiction to drugs or alcohol or pornography or food, losing hope that they will ever find their soul mate, losing hope that their disastrous circumstances will ever get better, losing hope that their loved one will ever turn to Christ. Losing hope, losing hope, losing hope.

Are YOU losing hope somewhere today? Have you thrown in the towel in an area of your life because the circumstances say NO WAY?


I love the fact that God describes Himself in the Bible as THE GOD OF HOPE - "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Rom. 15:13). No matter how bad the marriage, the diagnosis, the sin, the circumstances, GOD IS ABLE!

We can have hope because there is nothing too difficult for Him. And the greater the problem is, the greater the miracle that can take place.


  1. Lazarus was very sick, and Jesus was not around to heal him. That was a problem.
  2. Lazarus then took a turn for the worse and died. That was an even bigger problem.
  3. They buried Lazarus and he was in the tomb for four days. That was a HUGE problem, an unsolvable problem, an impossible problem.

If you know the story from John 11, you know that Jesus did the impossible. He spoke a word and raised four-day-old dead Lazarus from the grave. WOW!!

What does that story teach us? It teaches us that He is able! No matter what the issue, He is able. Is there anything in your life more hopeless than the situation with Lazarus? I doubt it. And if He can do a miracle for Lazarus, He can do a miracle for you.


David said, "But as for me, I will hope continually, and will praise you yet more and more" (Ps. 71:14). Why don't you do the same?

Take that hopeless situation to THE GOD OF HOPE. Place that giant-sized problem you have next to the God who is SO GIANT He measures the universe by the span (the distance between the thumb and pinky). Note: the universe is an estimated 14 billion light years, and one light year is 5.7 trillion miles (you do the math). God measures it all with his outstretched hand. He is ALMIGHTY GOD!!!

Start praising Him for the problem and keep praising Him. He is the God of hope, and nothing is too difficult for Him (Jer. 32:27).


Pastor Jeff Schreve,
From His Heart Ministries

Dr. Jeff Schreve believes that no matter how badly you may have messed up in life, God still loves you and has a wonderful plan just for you. From His Heart provides real truth, love and hope on over 700 radio stations each day, in 182 countries each week on TV, and is always available online. Pastor Jeff takes no income from this ministry. All donations go to furthering the broadcast outreach. As a listener/viewer supported ministry, we thank you for joining with us to help speak the truth in love to a lost and hurting world. Go to for more information.


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