Perfectly Imperfect - Encouragement Café - December 13

Perfectly Imperfect
By Noelle Dey

“We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.  This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”  2 Corinthians 4:7 (NLT)

Although it meant two days away from my family, it was an honor to be invited.  My biopharmaceutical company was holding a focus group and I was asked to represent the sales force.

There was only one problem.  I didn’t typify my division.  Our sales reps have brilliant scientific minds and they can grace the cover of any fashion magazine.

I am brilliant too . . . when the context is Brady Bunch trivia.

So I psyched myself up with the mantra, “Fake it ‘til you make it!”

I packed a beautiful dress and I traveled in my fitness clothes knowing that my early morning workout would give me the needed confidence to face my day.

It all went as planned.  God spoke His reassurance to me in my quiet time.  I attacked my workout with fierceness.  I looked at myself in the mirror and was able to smile.

As I was leaving my hotel room, I went into my carry-on bag to get my shoes. 

My heart fell into the pit of my gut . . . Where are my shoes?  Seriously.  This isn’t funny.  Where are they?

Guess who had to wear white sneakers with her gorgeous black dress?

A nurse who was in the focus group said, “Oh honey.  You look fine!  No one will notice!”

The man sitting next to me extended his hand but instead of telling me his name, he blurted, “Wow!  What happened to your shoes?”

I swear.  This is the story of my life.  I aim for perfection but the real me is always uncovered. 

Whether I’m trying to be a patient mom . . . or a ministry leader who has the right answer . . . a wife who doesn’t keep a record of wrongs . . . or a sales rep who looks the part . . . I want to be a woman who’s got it all together.

But then God whispers, “Psst . . . if you were perfect, how could anyone see Me?  I need cracked pots so MY light shines through!”

What a revelation!  God is the only perfect one.  The rest of us can strive for excellence, but not perfection.  And the areas where we fall horribly short?  Those are the areas where God’s beautiful light beams forth!

Are there areas in your life where you are tight-fisted, holding onto a goal of perfection? 

In your quiet time, slowly release your grip.  Praise God for His perfection.  Allow His beauty to shine through the cracks in your imperfect pot. 

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You that Your perfection is all we need.  Thank You that it’s actually a good thing that we are imperfect.  Help us to settle into that truth.   In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

© 2018 by Noelle Dey.  All rights reserved.

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