Muslim Democrat Mocks Mike Pence's Christian Faith

Kayla Koslosky

A Minnesota Muslim Democrat Congresswoman took to social media Tuesday to mock Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith

Congresswoman-elect, Ihlan Omar posted a photo of Pence to during Tuesday’s Oval Office meeting to Twitter. According to WND, Pence, who was in a meeting where President Trump, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer were arguing over the U.S.-Mexico border crisis, was photographed with his eyes closed.

Omar took this opportunity to post the photo of the Vice President to Twitter and captioned it, “Jesus take the wheel!” She also included in the caption “#BorderWall.”  

While Omar may have found the comment to be comical, many found the photo offensive. Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch wrote, “Just imagine the establishment media uproar that would ensue if Pence had mocked Omar’s faith. But in this case, leftist ‘journalists’ will just join in with Omar and mock Pence themselves.”

On Twitter, one user named NikT wrote, “Not a good look for your faith, your election as a representative of your entire district & especially as an American woman. Do better. Love not hate.”

Another, Lola Georgette, wrote, “You are the first to demand respect for your religion, do not demand what you do not give.”

Paul “The Book Guy” Alves wrote, “Yeah, make fun of someone for their faith. Good job.”

Musicmama slammed the congresswoman saying, “This is abusive to Christians and Pence. Geez if anyone said it about her they’d be an islamaphobe.”

While another user, Vield K. Nevellinya, simply wrote, “Hypocrite.”

This is not the first time the representative-elect has been in hot water. According to WND, Omar and fellow Muslim Representative-elect Rashida Harbi Tlaib of Michigan were accused of lying to voters during the Mid-term elections in November.

Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, wrote an article titled, “First Muslim Women in US Congress Misled Voters about Views on Israel.” In the article Kern highlights how the two congresswoman-elects changed their stances on Israel as soon as they were elected into office. Kern wrote, “Less known is that both women deceived voters about their positions on Israel. Both women, at some point during their rise in electoral politics, led voters – especially Jewish voters – to believe that they held moderate views on Israel. After being elected, both women reversed their positions and now say they are committed to sanctioning the Jewish state.”

Kern noted that both women support the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

She continued, “Both are also explicitly or implicitly opposed to continuing military aid to Israel, as well as to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – an outcome that would establish a Palestinian state alongside Israel. Instead, they favor a one-state solution – an outcome that many analysts believe would, due to demographics over time, replace the Jewish state with a unitary Palestinian state.”

Photo courtesy: Getty Images/Astrid Stawiarz/Stringer