Consider Your Calling - Wholly Loved - Jan. 24

Consider Your Calling
By Kristi Woods

“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.” 1 Cor. 1:26

Have you looked at the magazine covers lining the grocery store checkout lane? Do your eyes ever glance at their pictures and words?

I’ll admit I notice them from time-to-time. Rich or famous people fill their covers, often parading a thin or good-looking man or woman.

Inside, stories about investors, inventors, or business people await. From time to time, when I read these pieces, a fleeting thought hits: Wish I was like them. A feeling of inferiority often follows.

When internal banter like that rises, I take a breath and recall God’s truth.

The works of man—the rich, famous, wealthy or wise—might propel us to high places in society, but they do little in the kingdom of God. Our Lord shows no favorites.

The invitation to follow Jesus—both for our time on earth and eternity in heaven—doesn’t depend on man’s wisdom, hard work, powerful positions, or any other man-made status or accomplishment.

Never did and never will.

Our calling rests with the love of Christ.

He chooses those of little wisdom according to worldly standards. He calls on the weak. He, the One tagged the King of kings, loves all, including the poor and the pauper.

Society, as evidenced on the magazine covers, often touts a different story. But we know truth.

If thoughts laced with inferiority hit, remember that our loving Savior refuses society’s status. Consider your calling. All have hope in Jesus.

Kristi Woods, a Wholly Loved Ministries team member and former pew sitter, longs to see women transform from Sunday pew sitters to Monday through Sunday worshipers. Kristi, a writer and speaker, blogs regularly and offers faith-building tools for walking deeper with God at She contributes monthly at and and is published in various Chicken Soup for the Soul publications. Kristi, her husband, and their three children survived a nomadic, military lifestyle, and have set roots in Oklahoma. Connect with Kristi at

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