Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

What Do You Really Live For? - Love Worth Finding - December 21

What Do You Really Live For?


“For to me to live isChrist, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

I want you to finish this sentence: “For me to live is _________.” 

Now, don’t give an answer that you think should be there. I want you to think of the thing that means the most to you because that is what it means for you to live.

You might fill in the blank with money, family, pleasure, finishing your education, fame, popularity, your spouse, closing the next big deal, or even church work.

“For me to live is ________, to die is ________.” 

If you put anything other than Christ in the first blank, then you must finish the sentence with the word “loss” because you can’t take anything else with you when you die.

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