Beloved Women

God Can Use What's in Your Hand - Beloved Women - April 11, 2019

God Can Use What’s In Your Hand – Beloved Women - April 11, 2019


After Ehud, Shamgar son of Anath rescued Israel. He once killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad. - Judges 3:31 NLT


Shamgar used an ox goad to slay 600 Philistines. The Philistines were fighters who were very strong and militarily advanced. Recall that Goliath was also a Philistine. An ox goad was a wooden tool, approximately eight feet long, fitted with an iron spike or point at one end, used to prod oxen back in line. Shamgar, the third judge of Israel, only gets one verse in the Bible in which we see how God used an industrial tool to defeat the enemies of Israel. Subsequently, Israel enjoyed a time of peace for many years.

Like Shamgar, we must use what we have to defeat the enemies of God. The enemies of God are anything that is contrary to God’s word. In the Old Testament, it was false gods, idol worship and people who supported these ideas. Today it is this and more: love of money, social media fame, and divisive politics. God’s sovereignty can use the tool in your hand to defeat the enemy. He uses whatever He wants to accomplish His purposes.


Dear Lord, I humbly submit myself and anything in my hands to be used to accomplish Your purposes. Whether it’s a pen or a prized possession, please help me to use whatever is in my hand for Your glory. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.


What can God use in your life or in your hand to accomplish His purpose?


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Joy often seems unattainable in times of uncertainty and difficulty. The Bible, however, promises believers a lasting joy from the Lord greater than our circumstances. If you desire to experience joy even in the face of challenges, we invite you to our next video Bible Study series through the book of Philippians called “Relentless Joy.” This study starts on April 15 and you can sign up for free here!

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