Learning to Help, Not Nag - Encouragement Café - May 29

Learning to Help, Not Nag
 By Christie Davis

And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18 KJV

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “help meet”?  

For some it means to direct the men in the correct path to drive somewhere.  Some believe it is a silent motion to sit quietly until we are needed.  Others believe it means going behind and fixing things that should have been done differently.

So, what exactly does it mean?  How are we to be that “help”?

What did Adam really need help with?  

He was able to name all of the animals by himself.  He was surviving just fine in his perfect dwelling.  He even made it from one side of the garden to the other without a woman giving him directions.  However did he do it?  What did he need Eve for?

Adam needed someone to fulfill all the thoughts, emotions, and desires that other things could not fill.   A famous line from an old movie states, “She completed him.”  In this way, the two became one amazing set.  Each one now needed the other; and with Christ as their guide, they became better for sharing their lives together.

Adam needed someone to talk to and share his accomplishments.  Not needed was someone to point out a better way to complete tasks.  He needed someone to love him even with his faults and without criticism.  He needed someone to lift him up daily in prayer and to ask the Lord to guide him in every decision.  It was not necessary for Eve to go about and talk to the animals in the garden about his latest decisions.  

Sometimes I fall into the 'nag' category instead of being the help mate I was designed to be.

So, how do I help my husband and not hinder him?

As a pastor’s wife, it is not always easy.  Life is always busy and at times just down right crazy.  Sometimes it is difficult to find time to share our struggles and concerns.  However, one thing my husband will always appreciate is me being his biggest supporter.  I can always give my words of encouragement and just be there (sometimes only mentally). 

This speaks volumes!  When he knows that I believe in him and knows that with the Lord’s help he will succeed, then he can conquer the world.  

The most important step to help my husband is to pray for him daily about whatever he may be facing.  Jesus is his true number one fan!  He is with him at all times.  He wants the best for him and our family.

Life is not always simple or calm, but if I seek the Lord with all of my heart He will strengthen my relationship and allow me to be the help meet that my husband truly desires.  I can be the woman he has always dreamed about!

Have you prayed for your husband today?  Take time to get alone and ask the Father to guide and direct his footsteps, mind, and heart throughout the day.  Then, call your husband or send him a message letting him know that you are behind him and praying for him.

Dear Heavenly Father, I desire to be the help meet that You created me to be.  Often, I fail him and let my own selfish ways hinder what You have planned for him and our family.  Speak to me daily, Lord, and show me how to be the loving and supportive wife that lifts him above all mountains or struggles.  Help me to close my mouth about petty details that do not matter and focus on Your guidance for my family.  

© 2019 by Christie Davis.  All rights reserved.

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