Is Vaping a Sin? What Does the Bible Say?

Heather Riggleman
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E-cigarettes exploded onto the smoking scene a few years ago. Many vendors have advertised their products to be better for you than cigarettes. Some even claimed that e-cigarettes could help a person quit smoking. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. According to CNBC, the FDA has called for a federal reckoning of these vaping pens after five deaths occurred, along with 450 cases of hospitalization because of the unregulated product.

What Is Vaping?

Vaping is another term for e-cigarettes. JUUL or similar devices are battery-powered devices that can look like flash drives and pens. They mimic smoking by heating liquids with substances such as nicotine and marijuana. It’s not the same as smoking because what is exhaled is a mist of vaporized particles instead of tobacco smoke. This mist is often misunderstood as clean water vapor; however, it’s filled with toxic chemicals and carries the same danger as secondhand smoke. 

Vaping introduces foreign matter into the lungs, which puts a strain on the respiratory system, making it difficult for the lungs to filter out everything on top of your lungs, which are already processing the air you’re breathing. It makes it even more difficult for your lungs to filter out everything. Often, particles are lodged in the lungs, which leads to disease, illness, and cancer. 

While many manufacturers claim to have liquids free of nicotine with a zero percent ratio, their claims are actually false because it has less than one percent nicotine, which allows them to make this claim. 

Is Vaping a Sin?

The question of whether vaping is a sin is not explicitly addressed in the Bible since vaping as we know it today did not exist during biblical times. However, Christians can look to principles and teachings found in the Bible to guide their decisions on ethical and moral matters. Here are some general principles that can be applied to the question, "Is vaping a sin?":

Respecting the Body:

The Bible emphasizes the idea that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV), it says: "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Christians may consider whether vaping, like smoking, involves harmful substances that can damage the body, as this could be seen as a violation of the principle of respecting the body.

Addiction and Self-Control:

The Bible encourages self-control and warns against being mastered by anything. In 1 Corinthians 6:12 (NIV), it says: "I have the right to do anything, but not everything is beneficial. I have the right to do anything, but I will not be mastered by anything."

If vaping leads to addiction or becomes a master over a person, it may be viewed as inconsistent with biblical principles of self-control.

Consideration for Others:

Christians are also encouraged to consider the impact of their actions on others. In 1 Corinthians 8:9 (NIV), it says: "Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak."

If vaping causes harm or sets a stumbling block for others, especially those who may be influenced negatively, Christians may need to weigh the impact of their choices.

It's important for individuals to consider these principles prayerfully and seek guidance from their faith community, leaders, and personal relationship with God when making decisions about activities like vaping.

Health Effects of Vaping

Here is just one example of what could happen to you as a result of vaping.

The Washington Post's Lena Sun followed one Utah man’s battle for life after doctors concluded that vaping was the likely cause of a lung disease he had contracted:

“Within days, Alexander Mitchell had gone from being a 20-year-old hiking enthusiast to being kept alive by two machines forcing air into and out of his lungs and oxygenating his blood outside of his body. ‘He went from being sick to being on death’s door in literally two days,’ recalled his father, Daniel Mitchell, as he struggled to grasp the unthinkable. ‘The doctor said he was dying. In all honesty, I was preparing to plan a funeral for my child. I wept and wept for this boy.’ ... Six weeks after he left the hospital, Mitchell has resumed hiking. But with his lung capacity diminished by 25 percent, he doesn’t go for long or as often as he used to. He also struggles with his short-term memory. Doctors say they’re not sure whether he will fully recover.”

What Does the Bible Say about Vaping?

With so much controversy over the health risks of vaping, is it crazy to ask whether or not vaping is a sin? The Bible doesn’t mention vaping or smoking; however, we can take into account other Biblical principles. 

Corinthians 6:12 reminds us that nothing should master us. The apostle Paul talks about how we have freedom in Christ to do anything, but that doesn’t mean we should give in to any given thing. This passage refers to addiction. We need to use discernment when making decisions like this. Knowing how addictive nicotine is, it can clearly master your willpower.

As followers of Christ, we should steer clear of addictive activities and substances. Otherwise, we will find ourselves unable to exercise self-control. Rather than being the one in control, the addiction begins to drive our words and actions. Galatians 5:1 says, "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."

Another clear point in the Bible is God asking us to care for our bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 

With what was previously mentioned about the health dangers of vaping, as well as discussing the addictive properties of nicotine, it clearly points to the damaging effects of partaking in this product and therefore contradicts God’s Word of our bodies as temples for the Holy Spirit. 

Heather Riggleman calls Nebraska home (Hey, it’s not for everyone) with her three kids and husband of 20 years. She writes to bring bold truths to marriage, career, mental health, faith, relationships, celebration and heartache. Heather is a former national award-winning journalist and is the author of Mama Needs a Time Out and Let’s Talk About Prayer. Her work has been featured on Proverbs 31 Ministries, MOPS, Today's Christian Woman and Focus On the Family. You can find her at

Photo courtesy: Ruben Bagues/Unsplash

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