Tennessee Gov. Declares Day of Prayer and Fasting: ‘Give Thanks to God Almighty’

Michael Foust

Tennessee’s new governor has issued an official proclamation naming Oct. 10 a “Day of Prayer, Humility, and Fasting” and is urging the state’s citizens to join him and his wife in asking for “God’s favor and blessing.” 

Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican who took office in January, posted the 230-word proclamation on his Twitter profile. In a separate video, he had thanked people across the state for praying for him.  

“We know that prayer accomplishes much,” he said. “Prayer strengthens our families and it strengthens our communities. It strengthens our relationship with our neighbors. It strengthens our relationship with God himself.”

Lee and his wife Maria, he said, are inviting the people of Tennessee to pray for the state on Oct. 10 to request “God’s favor and blessing on the people of Tennessee.” 

The proclamation thanks God for the many blessings in the state – the Smoky Mountains, the Mississippi River and its people – and requests forgiveness for “transgressions,” including for “acts of discrimination, oppression and injustice.” The proclamation further asks God for wisdom for “challenges” ahead.

Following is the text of the proclamation: 

“Whereas, the people of Tennessee are thankful to call this remarkable state home, from the towering Smoky Mountains in the east to the mighty Mississippi River in the west, and every remarkable scene in between; for our people who come from all over the world to find opportunity and hope in our thriving cities and beautiful rural communities; for this and much more we give thanks; and

“Whereas, we seek forgiveness from our transgressions; from acts of discrimination, oppression and injustice; and inaction caused by greed, pride, and indifference; for these and many more we ask forgiveness; and

“Whereas, the people of Tennessee seek wisdom and discernment for our state in the days ahead to support thriving families and communities across our state, to promote an environment of opportunity for every Tennessean, and to ensure our safety and freedom; for these challenges we seek wisdom; and 

“Whereas, the people of Tennessee acknowledge our rich blessings, our deep transgressions, and our complex challenges, and further acknowledge the need to give thanks to God Almighty, to turn from our transgressions and ask for God’s forgiveness, and to humble ourselves and seek God’s wisdom and guidance;

“Now, therefore, I Bill Lee, Governor of the State of Tennessee, do hereby proclaim October 10, 2019 as a voluntary Day of Prayer, Humility, and Fasting in Tennessee and encourage all citizens to join me in this worthy observance.” 


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Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,

Photo courtesy: Tennessee Government/Office of the Governor