National Abortion Federation Appoints Episcopal Priest as President and CEO

Kayla Koslosky

The National Abortion Federation just named an Episcopal priest as its new head.

In a press release from the NAF last week, it was announced that the Very Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale has been named the pro-abortion organization’s new President and CEO.

Ragsdale was first appointed as the Interim President and CEO of the NAF in September of 2018 and after just over a year in that role, the organization decided to make her a permanent fixture.

According to the press release, Ragsdale – who is openly gay and married to a fellow Episcopal priest named Mally Lloyd – “has been outspoken about abortion rights, LGBTQ equality, and public policy issues affecting women and families throughout her career. She has testified before the U.S. Congress as well as numerous state legislatures about the importance of abortion access and was a featured speaker at the 2004 March for Women’s Lives in Washington, DC.”

Before becoming the organization’s head, Ragsdale spent 17 years on the national board of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice where she preached that abortion was a “blessing.”

“It has been a great privilege to lead this organization for the last year and work alongside the incredible and dedicated NAF Board, staff, and membership,” Ragsdale said, according to the press release. “Abortion providers are some of my personal heroes and modern-day saints. It is an honor to be able to serve and support NAF members as they provide compassionate health care amid increasing attacks and challenges,” she proclaimed.

When Pro-Life activist Father Frank Pavone heard of Ragsdale’s appointment, he told LifeSiteNews that he was not surprised, FaithWire reports

He said, “for decades, Katherine Ragsdale, a false prophet, has been trying to put religious vestments on child-killing.”

The national director of Priests for Life and president of the National Pro-Life Religious Council continued, “She led the ‘Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights’ (now the ‘Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice’), which actually provides rites of blessing for parents about to kill their children, and for the facilities in which the blood is shed.” 

He added that the group also provides “scripture studies that attempt to say exactly the opposite of what Scripture says about what God thinks of the shedding of innocent blood.”

Ragsdale’s appointment, Pavone said, “actually reveals one of the greatest weaknesses of the abortion industry: science is not on their side, logic is not on their side, and history is not on their side.” 

He argued that abortion advocates have long run out of viable arguments to try to justify abortion, so now, they are choosing to “disguise it in ‘spirituality.’”

“They try in vain to take the stigma out of abortion — but that effort continues, and that is what this new development represents,” he said.

Ragsdale is the sixth person to head up the NAF since its founding in 1977.

Photo courtesy: LifeSiteNews