HomeWord, with Jim Burns

Living His-tory - Homeword - December 27

Living His-tory

This devotional was written by Brian Wiele

It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. —Ephesians 1:11-12 (The Message

I’m always on the hunt for good novels, especially as New Year’s approaches and I take a bit of time off after Christmas. A few years ago, I decided to order Bleak House by Charles Dickens. I had read a few of Dickens’ novels, but had never heard of this one. I picked it up at the library and yikes! It was 983 pages!

Now I had a dilemma. I usually read three or four books during vacation. If I read Bleak House, it would mean I’d only read one book. Of course, I was sure I’d find that Bleak House was really a bundle of stories woven into a whole, which would be something wonderful to get caught up in. And that was exactly what happened.

Long epic novels are much like the stories of our own lives, with their many chapters, representing the various seasons and circumstances that make up the whole. In the day-to-day experience of our lives, we often get caught up in the details of what’s happening now, not seeing the forest for the trees.

 But, when we take a step back to see the big picture, we gain new perspective, discovering that the story of our life includes an open invitation to participate in God’s story. Our lives can actually be wonderful sub-plots in God’s epic story that spans the entire drama of history. Imagine that!

Yes, it’s important to know who we are, as individuals, and together, as part of the Body of Christ. But, of most importance is understanding who God is and being willing to let Him do the editing and rewriting of His grand story in us, as He sees fit.

If you choose to let your story become an extension of God’s story, doing His work in and through you, a new and glorious chapter gets written, one that has no end. We call this everlasting life — life spent in the presence of the great storyteller, the God of creation.

With Christmas Day just behind us, I’m reminded of Mary, who said to the angel — “Yes, I see it all now; I’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say.” —Luke 1:38 (The Message) May we choose that same attitude and devotion as we participate in History.


1. How might your perspective change by understanding that your life is part of God’s epic story, which spans the entire drama of history?

2. What is one area of your life where you believe God wants to do some editing?


Hebrews 12:1-3; Colossians 1:6-7; Psalm 139:13-18

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