Wholly Loved

I Belong to the Kingdom of Light - Wholly Loved - January 21

I Belong to the Kingdom of Light

By Andrea Chatelain

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves.” Colossians 1:13

Have you seen dead things come alive? I have. Every spring I roll lifeless seeds through my fingers. To some, they are meaningless, but to gardeners, each seed holds hope of warm weather, sunshine, and radiant blooms. But first, they’re covered and buried in the darkness of dirt. They don’t stay like that, though. As water seeps down and penetrates their shell, they come alive and are called up toward the light. Sound familiar?

Everyone’s darkness is different. Some of us were covered in rebellion, others in self-righteousness, but all of us were like those planted seeds—down in the dirt—unable to reach the light on our own. Until Jesus plunged down to our darkest point and traded our sin for His righteousness. And He continues to call us into the light. If that’s a new idea for you or you still feel deep in a struggle, be patient, trust He will lead you out as you surrender each day to Him.

Jesus has rescued me from many things, particularly when I was lost in the depths of depression and anxiety. It felt like someone blindfolded and spun me around. I couldn’t find a way out. But when I surrendered my life to God and trusted Him to lead me, He did. My newfound joy and peace are proof that trading our striving for our Savior’s rescuing is the only way we come alive. I still have days I battle to get out of bed, but I’m not alone in the fight, and neither are you.

Our lives and salvation are in God’s grasp. Jesus is the only way to wholeness on earth and victory over death. He is our truth when we are lost, and our life when we’re drowning in darkness. Whatever you’re up against today, remember you’re not in charge of the outcome. Instead, look to your Savior, who is able to conquer your greatest struggle on your behalf.

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She's part of the Wholly Loved Ministries team, is a Midwest mom of three, faith and family writer, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. It’s her joy to lead Bible studies in her neighborhood, church, and community because she believes Jesus transforms lives when His people boldly seek Him. Her writing reflects her love for Jesus and heart for fellow believers. Connect with Andrea more online at Glory-Be.org


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