Wholly Loved

Living in the Present - Wholly Loved - October 6

Living in the Present

By Darlene Franklin

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” Proverbs 27:1

Hope for tomorrow keeps us going most days. No matter what happens today, when “tomorrow” comes, I’ll be part of a perfect world, in a kingdom free from everything that causes pain.

But plenty of my peers continually long for a tomorrow they may never experience: If I had one more chance spend a day with my daughter … If I could ask my mother one more question ... If I hadn’t wasted my music career all those years ago …

As a writer, I may be tempted to say, if God allows, I’d like to see one hundred original titles in print. But that’s more than a little presumptuous.

We don’t know what a day may bring. More importantly, we don’t know what God will do tomorrow. We may die, our circumstances could change, and a particular opportunity could disappear. That doesn’t mean we should wallow in defeat or stop dreaming of what’s ahead. Instead, we should hold our plans loosely and our Savior close.

If we maintain an attitude of surrender and seek to please God above all else, then momentary disappointments and uncertainties will lose their power.

More than that, no matter what opportunities or blessings come our way, we’ll find we’ve already gained the greatest present imaginable—intimacy with Christ.

Darlene Franklin, a contributor to Wholly Loved’s devotional project, is a best-selling author of fiction and nonfiction works. She calls herself a "Warrior Woman" who happens to live in a nursing home. She keeps going because God keeps giving her more assignments--including beginning a Ph.D. in Biblical Exposition. She’s written seventy fiction and nonfiction books, including Pray Through the Bible in a Year, Heart of the Midwife and Love Makes You Smile.  Check out a complete list of her books, visit https://darlenefranklin.com/ to stay up to date with her and her writing. 

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