Girlfriends in God

Because He Said So - Girlfriends in God - October 8, 2020

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October 8, 2020
Because He Said So
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets” (Luke 5:4-5, NIV).

Friend to Friend
I promised myself that when I grew up and became a parent, I would never ever tell my kids that they had to do something simply “because I said so.” I broke that promise. One day, my parenting frustration level was on overload. I had run out of good responses. I heard the words come out of my mouth, but I could not believe I had actually said them. “Just do it! I am your mother and I said so!” Can you relate?

I've been studying Luke, chapter 5:1-11 this week. The phrase that keeps coming up in my spirit is Simon Peter telling Jesus, "because You say so." In the Greek, it is the word that I have come to love. It is "rhema" which refers to the times God gives you a personal word. You see, God gave Simon a personal word to push out into the deep waters and let down his net for a catch. No other explanation. He didn't give Peter any other details. God was basically telling Simon Peter to “just trust Me and the results will be unimaginable”.

So, I want you to know that the personal word God has given you is a call to action. He wants you to push out into the deep waters of your circumstances and let down your net for a catch. He is going to do something amazing! Just trust Him with all the details. He already has it all figured out. He'll be in the boat with you no matter where the storm-tossed seas take you, whether you are close to the safety of the shore, or out in the deep and terrifying uncharted waters. He'll give you everything you need to survive and thrive. 

You may or may not know how to "fish." It doesn’t matter. He knows how to fish even better than you do. You may think you've done it His way in the past and it didn't work. Oh, if you are like me, you have a new plan that you are convinced guarantees success. Have you felt that way before about one of your plans? How did that work out for you?

Now is the time to trust God. I’m talking about the kind of trust that is total abandonment, no safety net below, no exit in sight, and a plan that does not seem to make sense. You are not trusting the plan. You are trusting the Plan Maker. 

I have been wrestling with God about a major decision in my life. I do not want to do what He is asking me to do. It makes no sense at all. Like Peter, I need to remember that when God calls my name, I need to follow Him …  simply because He said so. 

Let’s Pray
Lord, I'll push out into the deep and let down my net for a catch. I choose now to trust You and the plan You have for my life. I will take action on the promise You have given me. I praise You now for the victory!

In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn
I have used this faith acrostic for years. 

F    Forsaking 

A    All

I    I

T    Trust

H    Him

Spend some time with your Father. Let Him strengthen and empower your faith. Then create your own acrostic of faith. I would love to hear what God gives you! Just shoot me an email with your acrostic included. 

More from the Girlfriends
gig 10 day trust adventure girlfriends in godIn order to follow God, we must learn how to trust God. Why? Because God orders our steps. Steps of obedience. And when we trust and obey Him, blessings will surely follow. Need help trusting God? Check out Mary’s book, 10-Day Trust Adventure.

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© 2020 by Mary Southerland. All rights reserved.

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