97 Percent of Conservative Christians Voted for President Trump: Post-Election Survey

Milton Quintanilla

According to a new survey by veteran researcher Dr. George Barna and The Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University, President Trump received a record number of votes from conservative Christians in the 2020 election.

The survey, which was conducted after election day, looked at a group of conservative Christians known as SAGE Cons (Spiritually Active Governance Engaged Conservative Christians).

A near universal amount of SAGE Cons turned out in the 2020 election with 99 percent (representing 23 million voters) casting their ballot.

Meanwhile, 97 percent cast their ballot for Trump, giving the president a net margin of more than 21 million votes. SAGE Cons, who represent 9 percent of the adult population, constituted slightly more than 14 percent of the voting population due to the high level of turnout.

While the election results continue to be disputed by President Trump, the research found that he would have lost by a landslide if he did not receive an overwhelming number of votes from conservative Christians.

SAGE Cons have likewise expressed concern over voter integrity, with 79 percent of them believing that there was “numerous instances of abuse” in the election. On the other hand, merely 1 percent believe votes were accurately counted and that the voting process was legally carried out.

The CRC study identifies SAGE Cons as those who vote in accordance to the Bible and out of their devotion to Jesus Christ. While they acknowledge that Trump is not a pastor, they believe that his policies are more in accordance with biblical principles than those of Joe Biden.

When asked what stances pushed them to vote for Trump, 60 percent of SAGE Cones said it was because of his anti-abortion policies while 23 percent said it was in light of his court appointments.

Other positions of significance for SAGE Cons included Trump’s support of religious freedom (17 percent) and his stance on law and order, rule of law, and obeying the U.S. Constitution (12 percent).

Additionally, 28 percent of SAGE Cons said the economy was a major issue of influence.

“Nobody is going to confuse Donald Trump with Jesus Christ, but SAGE Cons believe that the Trump portfolio of policy positions much better reflects the biblical worldview that SAGE Cons seek to implement in all walks of life than do those of Mr. Biden,” Dr. Barna explained.

“With the American population moving away from the Bible as a source of truth and moral guidance, SAGE Cons have been pleasantly surprised at how the Trump agenda has coincided with many biblical principles on social and economic matters,” he continued.

SAGE Cons were also motivated by Trump’s voting record (30 percent), his stance on social issues (28 percent), his fiscal and economic policies (27 percent), his conservative ideology (25 percent) and his leadership abilities (21 percent).

CRC’s nationwide post-election survey interviewed 9,000 voters after the election. The survey featured 6,000 SAGE Cons, 2,000 Semi-SAGE Cons, and 1,000 adults selected at random from the general public. Participants took part in an online questionnaire through Nov. 4-16.

Photo courtesy: Unsplash

Milton QuintanillaMilton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for CrosswalkHeadlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.