God's Love at Work

Sweet Redemption - God's Love at Work - Week of March 7

Sweet Redemption

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of March 7, 2021

Jesus, our God-given trumpet of redemption, frees us from chains and helps us see our worth as His treasure (Luke 1:69, 1 Cor 1:30).

Purchased with "tears of blood" (1 Cor 6:20 TPT).

What He did for us believers was not a ransom payment to the evil one but, instead, was a sacrificial love offering to Father God (Tyndale Bible Dictionary).

The Son met Father’s standard and fulfilled His purpose to our benefit.

There was no payment to the devil of our souls for our souls.

In this light of truth, our attitude can model Christ’s.

We can submit our lives as a love offering to God and pay the devil no mind, no peace, no joy or anything else.

We can choose to not feed (pay) evil offense.

We can choose to walk out God’s gracious blessings of redemption in our lives.

We can choose to build His Kingdom above the enemy as we stand whole with our complete trust in our Lord.

As we live sacrificially unto Him, we can remember that sacrifice does not leave us empty. Rather, it opens us up to receive greater blessings (Ps 103).

Hebrews 10:35 NLT says, "So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!"

So, as we acknowledge God’s truth as our gold standard, the freer we’ll become and the more valuable we’ll see ourselves, which will enable us to experience more of His redemptive inheritance (Eph 1:14).

Let’s choose to see ourselves and others through our Lord’s purposed redemption.

Matthew 6:22 TPT reminds us that "The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. If your heart is unclouded, the light floods in!"

God knows that we become what we behold (envision). And that what we think, we will prove out.

I believe our Lord is redeeming our vision, causing us to see as He does, so we can focus entirely on Him to fulfill destiny with Him as He sees fit.

I believe He is working to even resurrect and redeem some things that we may have thought were gone forever by first syncing our vision with His to see His glorious possibilities.

I believe God is giving His forgiven ones a new life lens through which to see even some former things made new as we look to Him—"all because of the cascading riches of his grace" (Eph 1:7 TPT).

This is where He will bring us into a renewed fit with those former things made new, as we have grown to know Him. So, as He has made us more spiritually fit, He has made us more receiving of His benefits.

During devoted time with Him, our Lord has been revealing this kind of "sweet redemption" for a fitting season. There is a richness to it, a multiplicity and honor in His reformation of those former things.

I believe this is just the beginning and that we will see Him bring it to pass over time in this decade as we walk closely with Him.

1 Peter 1:18 AMPC says, "You must know (recognize) that you were redeemed (ransomed) from the useless (fruitless) way of living inherited by tradition from [your] forefathers..."

Ephesians 5:15-16 TPT say, "So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes."

So, friends, we only need to invite Him to open our eyes to see His way, yield our hearts to understand and follow Him as He reveals His plan.

I believe the closer we get to the point of convergence, the narrower our concentration needs to be to hit the mark as His sharp arrow that meets His purpose.

Jesus paid a high price of His blood to restore us: To redeem us from the sin bondage of selfishness. From "enemy oppressors" and the "power of death" as His believers and followers "pursue obedient service, faithful ministry, and personal holiness" (The Hayford Bible Handbook).

So, let’s honor Him and build His Kingdom by choosing His life through us.

Let’s awaken to be champions of the victorious, overcoming life through which our Lord reforms, repairs, and restores.

Let’s let this year be a time of sweet redemption as we accept and follow Jesus into greater wholeness (Isa 63:4).

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your redemption of my life. I confess and renounce having done life my way, and I choose Your way today. I invite You to lead me more into Your marvelous light. I choose to trust You to bring the betterment that’s needed in myself, my loved ones, my relationships, and my assignments as I yield and yoke up with You. Enable me to receive all that you have for me in this season. Thank You for steering my vision.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.