Warrior Mom Wisdom

Impossible - Warrior Mom Wisdom - Week of October 5

Warrior Mom Wisdom Devotional


For this devotional, I am going to ask you to join in. Please say aloud the first two letters of the title: “ImPossible.”  Yes, say the following letters aloud: “I, M.” Go ahead and do it one more time: “I, M.” It sounds like “I am.” This is exactly what I heard one morning when I was talking to God about how I always find myself in impossible situations that are only possible because of Him. The conversation went something like this:

“God, I always find myself in absolutely impossible situations. In fact, if things are comfortable, I immediately find myself in the uncomfortable. But, I know that you work in the impossible arena. So, if I stay in the impossible, then You have to work on my behalf because that’s what You do. One thing I can count on in the “impossible,” is that You will make it possible. I was just talking to Him, not expecting Him to say anything back. I wasn’t even upset or crying out for help (well, not in this exact moment). I was just making an observation.

Then, He spoke: “I M Possible. “I Am.” 

Immediately I understood what He meant. He confirmed what I said! His name is literally in the beginning of the word “I M Possible!” He designed it that way! I was so excited, I almost jumped off the stair-master and ran up to the lady on the stair-master in front of me to tell her that God is in the impossible! I scanned the gym for someone I could tell this good news to, but everyone was wearing headphones and sweating in their own little worlds. I decided to just keep talking to God; He absolutely amazes me all the time! The rest of my work-out, I told God how awesome He is. I even asked Him to take every step I was making on the stair-master and credit to me as “steps gained for new territory in the Kingdom.” I made the rest of my work-out a complete act of worship for The Great I Am, who resides in “I M Possible” situations so that His servants will trust, believe, and accomplish amazing things for His Name’s sake. I think I burned 500 calories that day because I lost track of time “working out my salvation with fear [awe of His Greatness] and trembling.”

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is god who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Philippians 2:12

Kristina Seymour loves to encourage and equip women through the Word and through community. She is the author of The Warrior Mom Handbook, The Warrior Mom Leadership Manual, and The Warrior Wife Handbook; they are available at Amazon.com. Kristina's Bible studies are for women who desire to live by faith in the midst of their everyday lives. She has learned that women can't survive on caffeine and animal crackers alone; women in the Word and in community are united and able to stand firm. To learn more about Kristina, please visit her website, https://kristinaseymour.com/God loves to share His story of love and grace through us all, and Kristina believes that everyone has a story to tell.