Does the Bible Actually Teach the Doctrine of the Trinity?
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The Bible doesn’t use the word “Trinity.” That is a word that we use to describe what the Bible teaches us about God. What the Bible shows us about God is that He is one God (Hear, O Israel the LORD your God, the LORD is one), that means He is not only unique but also there is a oneness to He is. There is an integrity to what He says, how He acts, and what He calls on His people to do. There is an integration to Him.
As well as God being one, we are shown in the Bible that God is three Persons. That is clearly revealed to us even through the Old Testament. We get a sense that God is not one person (Let us create man in our image) this is a God who is in some sense plural. We also have other intimations of that in the Old Testament. The Christ of God being both distinct from God and yet identified with God. God is not just a singularity. He is not just unipersonal.
I think we see the Trinity most clearly in the New Testament. WE are given explicitly Trinitarian statements. We think of the Great Commission, to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That is one name of three persons. It is an important way in which we understand the God who has revealed Himself to us in Scripture and in Christ. Though the word doesn’t come up, the word describes what does come up and it’s a good type of word to describe God.
Photo Credit: © Getty Images / Miras Wonderland
Originally published August 11, 2022.