Pastor Faces Backlash for Wearing Skinny Jeans while Preaching

Milton Quintanilla

A South Dakota pastor recently faced backlash for wearing skinny jeans while preaching. One person even accused him of wearing the tight-fitting pants "on purpose to be sexy."

Last month, Pastor Adam Weber, who is also the founder of the multi-campus Embrace Church, posted a photo on Facebook of an anonymous letter sent to him by a Christian who rebuked him for wearing skinny jeans.

"As head pastor, do you really think it is appropriate to wear skinny-leg jeans to preach? Since when do men wear skinny-leg jeans? Where is your common sense? This is an outrage! You are a representative of Jesus Christ!" the anonymous critic wrote, according to The Christian Post.

"Certainly, you can dress professionally and conservatively. YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. The praise and worship team should also dress CONSERVATIVELY," the critic added.

"This is mandatory being in ministry! This looks like you are trying on purpose to be sexy. JUST DISGUSTING FOR A PASTOR. USE SOME COMMON SENSE. DRESS LIKE YOU SHOULD! You are not in middle school but rather responsible for an entire church."

Weber said that 99 percent of the letters and messages he receives are "wonderful," but noted that one could be turned off from Christians, the Church and Jesus Christ because of overly critical Christians.

"This isn't Jesus, though. So instead of walking away from Jesus, I'll let it bring me closer to Jesus," the pastor wrote. "I've never sent a letter like this. But I have written them many times in my mind (probably even over something really foolish like a pastor's jeans)."

"I need Jesus just as much as the person who sent this does. I need Jesus. The real Jesus. 

Don't walk away from Jesus because of people," he added.

Weber also says he holds "no ill will" towards the anonymous critic and asserted that he would continue wearing skinny jeans.

"I only hope good to come their way. I know when I'm hurting, I think/say/do hurtful things. If you would please pray for them. That God would shower them with His love, grace, & kindness today. Thanks, friends," he concluded.

Photo courtesy: Mnz/Unsplash

Milton QuintanillaMilton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for CrosswalkHeadlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.