Christian Coffee Company Donates $100,000 to Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Amanda Casanova

Seven Weeks Coffee, a rising Christian coffee business, has donated more than $100,000 to pro-life pregnancy care centers since Roe v. Wade was reversed.

The company has been vocal about being pro-life, with even its name, Seven Weeks Coffee, representing the business' beliefs, CBN News reports.

"At seven weeks, a baby is the size of a coffee bean and it's the same time a mother has their first ultrasound," said Anton Krecic, founder and CEO. "This is why we donate 10% of every sale to pregnancy care centers to support their ultrasound services!"

The business has shared that its mission is "to promote godly values, provide excellent coffee, and protect every beating heart."

"I believe life is the greatest gift God has given us," Krecic said in a 2022 interview. "He has a plan and purpose for each of us, and He loves every life no matter how small. If I can help protect even one life, I know I'm serving a greater purpose."

Krecic launched the business after he spent time volunteering at pro-life pregnancy centers.

"Pregnancy care centers are the hands and feet of the pro-life movement. They are at the frontlines – helping women in need and defending life. It takes practical resources to meet families at their point of need, and we are privileged to help in a tangible way," he said.

"Ultrasound services are the No. 1 way that help mothers choose life for their child, and the most ways mothers get ultrasounds are through their crisis pregnancy center, or pregnancy care center as you call it, and we want to support those services. So that's why we really tailored our services to support those centers," Krecic previously said in an interview.

Seven Weeks Coffee partners with pregnancy centers, so 10 percent of each sale is allocated to a center when a customer uses a unique link to buy. Pregnancy center partners also receive discounted coffee and annual cash grants.

"I believe abortion is coming to an end, and I believe we need to be ready to help women who face unplanned pregnancies. … that's why we are here. In my opinion, it's all hands on deck to fight for life," Krecic's wife, Christa, said.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Alvarez

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.