Actor Kevin Sorbo Claims Certain Hollywood Actors Are Not 'Manly' Enough

Amanda Casanova

Actor Kevin Sorbo spoke out in a recent op-ed, saying many Hollywood male stars are not “manly” enough.

Sorbo, who played Hercules in film and TV in the 1990s, said “bold, confident, self-assured females” are too often upstaging “passive men” in film and television, reports.

According to Fox News, Sorbo wrote, “Society today seriously misunderstands masculinity. On the one hand, we love to normalize androgynous, Billy Porter-type men who sport skirts and poofy dresses.” 

He also pointed out actor Timothée Chalamet, saying GQ’s 2019 best-dressed man “often wears clothes that, well…let’s just say your grandfather wouldn’t have been caught dead dressed like.”

“In order to go out and conquer the world, men must first conquer themselves,” Sorbo wrote. “Sadly, men today have often instead been conquered. We’ve been subdued by alcohol, drugs, video games, porn and other entertainment.”

He said he believes America needs “warriors.”

“We need men who will raise their kids, defend their homes, provide for their families, and serve self-sacrificially,” he said.

Sorbo also pointed to Hollywood, encouraging filmmakers to tell more stories about “good men.”

“It’s time for the world’s entertainment capital to reintroduce good men: men who love their wives and children, protect them, fight for what’s right, and speak up for the powerless,” argued Sorbo. “Men who, above all, have overcome their own selfish desires and are free to put others first.”

Sorbo recently released a new children’s book, “The Test of Lionhood,” which tells the story of a young lion named Lucas.

As far as acting roles, Sorbo has more recently been featured in faith-based projects, including “God’s Not Dead” and “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist.” 

He has said that he cannot land some Hollywood roles because he is an outspoken Christian.

“It was sad to me that my manager and my agent came to me and said, ‘We can’t get you jobs anymore, work with you, because…you’re being a Christian and being conservative.’”

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Jamie McCarthy/Staff

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.