How to Stay Connected to Your Spouse This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is coming, and that means traveling, dinners, family, friends, and Christmas shopping. It is easy to lose track of what’s going on and even easier to disconnect from your spouse when the holidays roll around. This is because there is so much to do and so little time to do it. Still, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many ways to stay connected to your spouse this Thanksgiving.
1. Spend Time Together
The holidays are a very hectic time, so spend time with each other. Get up earlier to have coffee together in the morning, or turn in a little earlier to get caught up.
2. Pray for Each Other
When going about your day, take a few minutes and pray for your spouse. Sometimes, we have busy days where we can’t text someone right away about something important that is going on or has gone wrong. By setting aside some time in our day, several times a day, we can ask God to intervene for our spouses.
3. Pray with Each Other
Just as important as praying for each other is praying with each other. Take a few minutes each evening and make a short prayer list for each of you about things you are concerned about or bothering you. Then, go to God together in prayer.
4. Spend Time in the Bible Together
Discuss ahead of time and decide which chapters of the Bible you would like to read together. Is there a specific problem you are facing together? Do some research and see what books of the Bible address the issue.
Another idea is to pick up two copies of a devotional about thankfulness and gratitude and read through it together. You could also each pick up a devotional that interests you and discuss what you are learning about, what lessons resonate with you, and how it helps you understand the Bible even better and grow closer to God.
5. Get Organized
This is big. Sit down with your spouse and go over everything that is coming up this Thanksgiving season. When each of your last days of work is before Thanksgiving, the menu, detailed grocery lists, your guest list (if applicable), where you’re having Thanksgiving and when, what to pack if you are traveling, etc.
You could also add things like arranging for a pet or house sitter (if needed), school parties, and when Thanksgiving break starts for the kids.
6. Add Reminders
Go through and add reminders to your phone, add things to your Google calendar, and also on your computer. This will help you stay connected and on the same page.
7. Text or Call Because
Call or text your spouse just because. If possible, call them at lunch and have an early to midafternoon chat. Text them once or twice a day with a “I love you” or “Thank you for all you do.” or “Have a great day.” We always feel like we must have a reason to call or text someone, but that is not always true. It’s nice to get a loving and simple text out of the blue.
8. Exercise Together
It’s always important to keep our health at the forefront of our minds, but even more so during the holidays. It’s very easy to overindulge, eat things we wouldn’t normally eat, and not get enough sleep.
Make a plan with your spouse about how you will exercise together over the holidays. If you are already active, this may be a regular habit for you. Otherwise, do some research and pick out some easy ten-minute exercise videos on YouTube to do together to start and work your way up from there.
If you would rather go somewhere, like a gym, to the country club to play tennis or pickle ball, or to the local indoor pool, or for a walk, the same guidelines apply. Start slowly and work your way up. Your body will appreciate the exercise and for being gentle on it at first.
9. Get a Dry Erase Calendar
Buy a huge calendar or dry-erase board, and add everything you planned out to it. This way, everyone is always on the same page. This also makes it easier to edit if something gets changed. Buy extra dry-erase markers, an eraser, and some cleaner in case you make mistakes or need to change something.
10. Help Each Other
Everyone is busy with Thanksgiving preparations, so look out for each other and help each other. Unload and load the dishwasher, take out the trash, get gas in the car and take it for an oil change if needed, check the tires, throw a few loads of laundry in on your day off, fold and hang up laundry, etc.
These are all things that need to get done regularly. Pay some extra attention and help your spouse out during the upcoming weeks.
11. Go Out Together
Don’t let those date nights slide. Go out for dinner, to a movie, or just for dessert and coffee. If you would rather stay in, make a special dessert, rent the latest movie you have been wanting to see, play some games (classic board games or video games), or do a puzzle together.
You could have a home “spa” night together, read a book together and discuss it, or binge-watch a favorite television series with some decadent ice cream to go with. This is the “you” time you will need to help stay connected this busy season.
12. Spend Time with Friends
Schedule time to spend with friends. If you have other friends who are couples, go out on a double date or have them over for dinner. You should also spend time with your friends one-on-one as well.
Talk to them and see if there are ways you can help each other this holiday season, like taking each other’s kids for a weekend while mom and dad go out and get things done. You could even get together with a group of friends and exchange cookies to cut down on holiday baking.
Another idea is to get together and cook for an afternoon, and then everyone can take food home to freeze. This way, all they have to do is thaw, heat, and eat on those busy nights. You can arrange this yourself, or you may find a business that specializes in this where you can pay x amount of money and take home x amount of meals. I used to live in a small town in Illinois with a business called Prep, Freeze, Cook, which specialized in group cooking.
The guys could team up together and help each other decorate the outside of the house while the ladies team up and help each other decorate the inside. It’s always great to have friends to lean on, but when you can team up together and help each other during the holidays, it’s even better. As a bonus, you can stay connected, and everyone’s bonds grow stronger.
13. Plan Your Finances
Sit down together and work out your budget for Thanksgiving. The biggest cause of discord in relationships is financial issues, so get on the same page and stick to that plan.
Staying connected as a couple in our busy world is always more important, but even more so during the upcoming holiday season. Choose some tips that will work for you to help you stay connected and get ready for the best Thanksgiving ever.
Originally published November 07, 2024.