eHarmony Is 'Glorifying Sin' with Ad Featuring Lesbian Couple, Says One Million Moms

Milton Quintanilla

The conservative Christian group One Million Moms has denounced online matchmaking site eHarmony for releasing a pro-LGBTQ commercial featuring a lesbian couple.

According to The Christian Post, One Million Moms argued that the advertisement, which is part of eHarmony’s "Get Who Gets You: Warm Laundry” campaign, is “normalizing and glamorizing the LGBTQ lifestyle.”

In the commercial, a lesbian couple is first shown cuddling on a couch as they wait for the laundry cycle to complete. After the cycle is complete, one of the women gets up and collects the clothes while her partner goes to the bedroom and lies down on the bed. The first woman then carries the laundry in a basket to the bedroom before pouring it over her partner and leaning over for a kiss.

The advertisement concludes with the eHarmony’s slogan, “Get Who Gets You” on the screen.

Last week, One Million Moms posted an online petition on their website calling for the prominent dating website to take down the ad immediately.

“This eHarmony ad is an attempt to brainwash children and adults by desensitizing them and convincing them that homosexuality is natural. In reality, it is an unnatural love that is warned about in Scripture,” the online petition states.

“Yet this commercial targets families with the liberal LGBTQ agenda, airing during prime viewing hours on various channels that families often watch.”

The group contended that they will continue to stand for biblical truth and argued that homosexuality is “unnatural and immoral,” citing Romans 1:26-27

As of Tuesday, the petition has garnered over 12,000 signatures.

eHarmony, which was founded in 2000 by Evangelical Christian Dr. Neil Clark Warren, was previously sued in 2007 for not providing services to gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. At the time, Los Angeles Superior Court filed the lawsuit on behalf of Linda Carlson, accusing eHarmony of discrimination based on sexual orientation. Carlson also alleged eHarmony had denied her access to the dating platform due to its policies that discriminated against her.

As The Christian Post previously reported, Warren told Yahoo Finance in a 2013 interview that the debate surrounding same-sex marriage has damaged the company. He also addressed the settlement reached in a 2008 New Jersey Civil Rights Division discrimination case. At the time, Warren faced backlash from the Christian community after launching Compatible Partners, a service catering to same-sex couples, in light of the lawsuit.


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Image credit: ©Getty Images/Valerii Evlakhov

Milton QuintanillaMilton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for CrosswalkHeadlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.