A Prayer to Uproot the Lies in My Life

Alisha Headley

Dear God,
Thank you for providing us with your Word, the Bible, so that we can access truth in a world full of lies. Thank you for the wisdom your Word provides us. Holy Spirit, please remind us to read and give us the passion to seek out Your Word daily. Forgive us when we lean on truth from other things or people rather than relying on your truth, which is the only truth. Please allow your truth to sink deep into our hearts so that we can discern a lie the moment it enters our minds. Help us to tighten our belts of truth each day as we study your Word. We know that we have an enemy and that there will be daily battles, but we praise you and thank you because you have already won the war. Thank you for the wisdom in your Word and for the promise of life that we can cling to this side of eternity. We praise you for loving us and equipping us each day.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

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