Our True Identity - iBelieve Truth - May 15, 2024

Alexis A. Goring

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“Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” 1 John 3:2 (NIV)

Let’s talk about identity. Who are you?

Some would answer by their titles. They find their identity in who they marry, where they live, who their parents are, what they do for a living, what church they belong to, their culture, and their ethnicity. But how often do we answer that we are a Child of the Most High God?

Every title we hold dear can be taken away from us. That is, every title except the one that comes from above: we belong to God. 

Over the years, I’ve expressed my identity as being a “journalist,” “writer and editor,” “blogger,” “author,” or a “photographer.” I’ve also identified by race and ethnicity. But it was only this year that I realized how fleeting those titles are and how much I was clinging to those man-made roles. I found fulfillment in my career choices, abilities, and talents that I applied to work. I often held onto those well-earned titles and I practically embodied them. I didn’t know who I’d be without them. However, God spoke to my heart to remind me of my true identity as one of His Daughters. 

Being a daughter of God is a title that will never fade and can’t be taken away. It expresses our true identity to the core of who we are as women. Yes, we may still identify with our careers or within our family as “mother,” “aunt,” “grandma,” or “wife.” But we need to be careful not to let these titles–as wonderful as they are–define us. We must focus on the foundation that we are Daughters of the Eternal King. Once we embrace this true identity, everything else flows out of that. It gives us good grounding to know who we are in Jesus Christ before we take on any other role.

A little while ago, I heard a song titled “Made for More” by Josh Baldwin (feat. Jenn Johnson). The lyrics remind us that when we know who God is, then we know who we are. Because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we who believe in Him are now set free and forgiven. We are chosen by God to be reconciled to Him, and we have the promise of living forever with Him in heaven. Now, we have a bright future to live for every day!

How wonderful is it to know that we serve a God who calls us His own? God welcomes us into His Kingdom with open arms. He wants us to remember who we are in Him.

Now, when people ask me who I am and what I do, I say, "I am a Child of God who works for Him." I may add that I serve as an author, blogger, writer, editor, and photographer, but my core identity is not of this world. I tell them about Jesus Christ and let them know how much He loves them because I realize how fleeting this existence on Earth is for us. The Bible says in James 4:13-15 (NIRV), “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city. We will spend a year there. We will buy and sell and make money.’ You don’t even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? It is a mist that appears for a little while. Then it disappears. Instead, you should say, ‘If it pleases the Lord, we will live and do this or that.’”

Therefore, I am encouraged to not only remember my true identity in Christ but also to speak His truth in love to everyone I meet. I am also inspired to write messages that teach people about their true identity in Christ. 

God loves us so much and wants all of us to be saved in His Kingdom. While we are living on this Earth, we still work and hold titles, but we need to always remember who we truly are: Children of God.

Let’s Pray: Dear God, Thank You for being our Heavenly Father. Please help us to remember and embrace our true identity. Help us to live for You every day and not be consumed by our earthly titles and roles. In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen. 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images

Alexis A. GoringAlexis A. Goring is an author, blogger, editor, photographer, trained journalist, and total foodie. She specializes in Contemporary Christian Romance (fiction) and devotionals (nonfiction). Her first devotional book, Stories and Songs of Faith: My Journey with God, was published in April 2020. Alexis hopes that her life’s work will lead people to Jesus Christ and teach them about the God who loves humankind with all of His heart. When she’s not sharing words that inspire and encourage the heart, you can find her in the kitchen cooking up something tasty, or in a café or restaurant, either dining solo or sharing a meal with loved ones. Connect with Alexis online via her website (, Twitter (@pennedbyalex) and Instagram (@capturing_the_idea).

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