Emmy Russell Reflects on God's Love and Plan After American Idol Loss


Most people have a plan and blueprint for their lives and how they see things going in the future. They want to accomplish this by a specific time while also ensuring they do that over there. We all have it worked out, right?God doesn’t do things according to our plans and work in our timeframe. He has His timing and doesn’t often consult us to see if His plan works with our schedules. His timing and plan are perfect, and ours is flawed and imperfect. 

Emmy Russell, the granddaughter of the late country music star Loretta Lynn, made it to the top five on American Idol before being voted off the program. She consistently turned in flawless performances, often playing the piano while displaying her beautiful voice. She even sang her grandmother’s classic “Coal Miner’s Daughter” for one of her performances. 

However, she was recently voted off and praised God for His love and perfect plan in a video posted on social media. She understands that her winning American Idol was not part of God’s plan for her life.

“I’m just really feeling grateful, you know?” Emmy said. “I didn’t make top three, you know, but that’s a part of, that was God’s plan.”

She says that even though the voters may not have selected her, she knows her Heavenly Father did.

“You know, it’s funny because before I got eliminated, I really felt like, I think like God told me like, He was like, ‘Emmy, you’re not going to be chosen by America, but I chose you.’”

Emmy is not taking the loss hard because she knows that the one true King has chosen her, and His vote and plan are the only ones that matter.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/CelebWatch