Ask for Wisdom - The Crosswalk Devotional - July 6

Michelle S. Lazurek

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Ask for Wisdom
By Michelle Lazurek

“If you need wisdom, ask your generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” – James 1:5

I prepared for my leadership presentation, printed off my material, practiced it well and got ready for the meeting that would happen before the presentation to go over the transitions. However, when I hopped on the Zoom call, I was less than organized. I found myself confused as to what I was looking at and where the information was stored for the presentation. It was clear from the beginning that I was not on the same page as the rest of the team. I left the meeting embarrassed and not wanting to return to any future meetings, for fear of further embarrassment or shame. 

However, I didn't know how to express this feeling of confusion, or even where to begin to get help. I had a friend who had been on the leadership team for longer than I had. She was more technologically savvy than I was, and would know the ins and outs to that technology and how it all worked, the new apps being introduced, etc. I swallowed my pride, picked up my phone, and sent off to my friend an embarrassing text that said, “I need help.” 

I explained to her the situation, told her I didn’t feel like I knew what I was doing, and would she be willing to give me a brief orientation to get me up to speed. I didn’t know how she would react. I feared her judgment since as part of the team I needed to know the basics of the technology to present the information to the audience. She greeted me with a quick response, “Of course,” she replied, “Happy to help.” I didn't know what I was doing. The next day, she went through it all with me. She made it look so easy. Instead of having to navigate it by myself learning how things worked and having new concepts and ideas thrown at me, my friend helped me navigate through a situation of which I needed clarity and navigated it with ease. 

We all need wisdom in life. In our isolated world, it's easy for us to believe that asking for help, instead of moving through a situation in isolation, will cause embarrassment. Everyone needs someone to help them from time to time. There’s no shame in asking God –or others—for help. 

The same way I needed help with the orientation on all the technology, I had to humble myself and ask for wisdom. God gives us wisdom when we need it. God is an all-knowing God who wants to guide and direct us. His Holy Spirit lives within us for a reason. The Holy Spirit knows things we do not know. He wants to speak to us and reveal all things to us. That is part of God's yearning to be intimate with us. We must be humble to hear what he has to say and to follow that wisdom and ask for help when needed. 

I was so grateful to have a friend who knew more about the technology than I did. Because of her wisdom and her willingness to share that wisdom with me, I arrived at the next meeting way more prepared, more organized, and most importantly, abundantly at peace. 

Is there an area in life with which you need wisdom? Is there someone in your life you can ask to help with that wisdom? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you a person that can help you in this area. 

We’re always better together. God does not want us to be alone. We can seek the help of other brothers and sisters in Christ who are more knowledgeable on a subject than us, and not only is our situation better because we asked for help, we’re also better people because we humbled ourselves and asked for help in the first place. 

Father, help us ask for wisdom. Thank you that you are not a wrathful God, withholding help.  Thank you we can go to you anytime we need you. Thank you are a God who's willing to be our help in ever- present trouble. Allow us to pass on the same wisdom to others you give us. Amen.

Intersecting Life & Faith:

In what areas of your life do you need to seek the wisdom of God or others? What is your biggest challenge in asking for this help?

Further Reading:
Proverbs 3:5-6

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/baramee2554

Writer Michelle LazurekMichelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and a certified writing coach. Her new children’s book Who God Wants Me to Be encourages girls to discover God’s plan for their careers. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website

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