We Can Pass God's Comfort Along - iBelieve Truth - July 4, 2024

Whitney Hopler

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“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NIV 

I’m struggling with pain from an injury. Even though I’ve worked hard to overcome the pain through physical therapy, and even though I’ve prayed hard for healing, the pain is still there. Pain interferes with my sleep at night. Pain follows me through every part of my day, adding stress to all my activities. I’ve spent a year so far suffering from this pain. 

Earlier, I didn’t talk with other people much about it because I thought doing so might burden them. But I’ve learned from opening up about my pain that people actually want to hear about it. That’s because everyone struggles with pain in some way. Sometimes their pain is physical, like mine. Sometimes their pain is emotional, and I confess that I’ve been struggling with that kind of pain too because of the stress of the physical pain. 

So, I’m honest with people about what I’m going through. I share how it hurts but also how God is helping me deal with the pain and stay hopeful as I go through it. I’ve noticed that after God comforts me about something involving my pain, God brings me opportunities to comfort other hurting people with the same kind of encouragement he has given me. In that way, my pain has actually been a blessing. I still hope very much to heal from my pain in God’s timing. But God has used it to help me help others with their suffering. 

In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, the Bible points out that God is the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. God’s compassion is a fundamental aspect of His nature. The Latin roots of the word “compassion” literally mean “to suffer with.” God doesn’t stand distant and aloof from our suffering. He enters into our pain with us, offering his presence and his love. God’s compassion for us is personal and profound. God’s comfort includes the peace of mind and strength that come from knowing we are not alone. God’s comfort is comprehensive – it addresses every situation in our lives where we need comfort. God comforts us in all our troubles. There is no type of pain too great for God’s comfort to reach. 

These verses reveal an important purpose behind God’s comfort: it equips us to comfort others. We’re meant to share the comfort God gives us. When God comforts us, we can pass that comfort along to others who are also suffering like we are. We gain compassion from our struggles that we can use to help other people, pointing them to the light God shines in the darkness of our fallen world. 

As you reflect on moments when you’ve experienced God’s comfort, think about how that strengthened your faith. Then ask God to help you identify someone in your life who is currently facing a difficult time. Pray about how you can reach out to that person with careful listening, words of encouragement, or practical help. Regularly pray for those who are suffering, asking God to work through you to help comfort them. 

Let's pray:

Dear God, thank you for being the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. When life overwhelms me, please remind me of your constant presence and your loving care. Help me to fully embrace the comfort you offer. Let it sink deep into my heart, bringing peace and healing to my soul. Strengthen my faith so I can trust you completely, even when I’m dealing with a lot of pain and don’t know when your healing will come. Teach me to be sensitive to the needs of those around me. Remind me that the comfort I receive from you isn’t just for my own benefit but to be shared with others. Show me when and how I can help others who are hurting. Let your love flow through my life, and help me pass your comfort along to other people who need hope. Let my life be a testimony of your grace and mercy. God, I pray for every person I know who is suffering today. Whether they’re struggling with injuries, illnesses, loss, loneliness, or any other form of pain, I ask that you surround them with your comforting presence. Give them the peace and strength they need. Thank you, God. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Halfpoint

headshot of author Whitney HoplerWhitney Hopler is the author of the Wake Up to Wonder book and the Wake Up to Wonder blog, which help people thrive through experiencing awe. She leads the communications work at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. Whitney has served as a writer, editor, and website developer for leading media organizations, including, The Salvation Army USA’s national publications, and (where she produced a popular channel on angels and miracles). She has also written the young adult novel Dream Factory. Connect with Whitney on X/Twitter and on Facebook

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