'Smallest Baby Ever Born' in Chicago Hospital Heads Home after 6 Months


Children are one of the Lord’s biggest blessings. Becoming a parent and welcoming a child into your life will forever change you and how you view the world. Things that seemed like a big deal will be much less critical when you are entrusted with taking care of a little one.

However, every pregnancy is different and has its own complications and precautions. A team of dedicated doctors and nurses will guide and support that mother and father-to-be throughout the process. But there are limits to what those medical professionals can do, and sometimes, the Lord will have to come in and perform a miracle or two.

Nyla Howard was born at just 22 weeks. A YouTube clip describes her as a “micro-preemie.” Her lungs were underdeveloped, her skin was still translucent and she weighed as much as a can of soup. 

The child was delivered so early because her mother had been diagnosed with preeclampsia. 

The clip adds that little Nyla was only given a 10 percent chance of surviving. But that precious little child beat those odds, and she is now at home with her parents, having left the hospital after six months. She left the medical facility weighing in at 10 pounds. 

One of the doctors on the child’s team said she came out crying, calling her a fighter right from the start. 

Nyla’s mother is thankful for her little miracle baby.

“I just don’t have the words in all honesty,” Nyla’s mother said. “We’re just super grateful that she’s here, she’s healthy and she’s doing amazing.”

Psalm 139:14 “I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well.”

This content originally appeared on; used with permission

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Good Morning America