How to Run the Race of Faith Well - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - July 23, 2024

Whitney Hopler

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“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:1-3, NIV 

The inspiring athletes competing in the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics remind us of the dedicated focus required to excel in their sports. These athletes have spent countless hours training with their goals in mind to compete in the world’s top sports competitions. Watching athletes do their best at the Olympics can motivate us to do our best in the spiritual race God calls us to run. Just as athletes stay focused on their goals to achieve victory, we must stay focused on Jesus to run the race of faith well. 

In Hebrews 12:1-3, the Bible calls us to run our race of faith well by getting rid of whatever is holding us back and by staying focused on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith. 

Imagine an Olympic runner attempting to compete while carrying a heavy backpack. The weight would slow the runner down, making it nearly impossible to run well. Similarly, in our spiritual race, we must identify and remove the weights that hinder our progress. These weights can take many forms: unhealthy relationships, negative thought patterns, unconfessed sin, or distractions that pull us away from our focus on God. We can reflect on what might be hindering our spiritual growth – a particular sin, a toxic relationship, or a habit that distracts us from spending time with God. Then we can ask God for the wisdom and strength to remove these obstacles from our lives. 

Perseverance is essential for any athlete aspiring to win a race, and it is equally important in our spiritual journey. The race marked out for us is unique to each individual, with its own set of challenges and opportunities. God has a specific plan and purpose for our lives, and he calls us to run our race with endurance. Perseverance involves continuing to move forward even when the path is difficult. It means trusting God’s plan and timing, even when we face setbacks or disappointments. It requires relying on God’s strength rather than our own, recognizing that he equips us to overcome every obstacle. 

In any race, focus is critical. Athletes train to keep their eyes on the finish line, blocking out distractions that could hinder their performance. Similarly, we must fix our eyes on Jesus, who is both the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith. He is our ultimate example and source of strength. Jesus faced rejection, betrayal, and physical suffering, yet he remained faithful to his mission. His victory over sin and death assures us that we, too, can overcome the challenges we face by keeping our eyes on him. 

There will be times in our race of faith when we will feel exhausted, overwhelmed, discouraged, or tempted to give up. In those moments, considering Jesus' endurance can renew our strength. Jesus’ example of strong faith in action reminds us that we are never alone and that he is with us every step of the way. When we grow tired or discouraged, we can reflect on Jesus’ example of faith and find the motivation to keep going. 

We can focus on Jesus by building habits of spiritual disciplines that help us notice his presence with us, such as prayer, meditation, breath awareness, Bible study, and more. The more we’re aware of Jesus’ presence with us, the stronger our faith will become. 

As we cheer on the athletes in the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, let’s also be inspired to run our race of faith with the same dedicated focus. By fixing our eyes on Jesus and following his example, we can endure our challenges and finish our lives well, achieving everything God wants us to accomplish.

Let’s pray: 

Dear God, thank you for the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before me and shown me what it means to live a life of faith. Help me to identify and throw off everything that hinders my spiritual growth. Give me the strength to persevere in the race marked out for me, even when the path is difficult. Jesus, I fix my eyes on you, the Pioneer and Perfecter of my faith. Help me to consider your endurance and draw strength from your example. When I grow tired or discouraged, please meet me where I am and help me notice your presence with me. Remind me of your good plan for my life and send me the strength I need to keep running well. I trust in your power to carry me through. Thank you, mighty God. Amen.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/ Daniel Balakov

headshot of author Whitney HoplerWhitney Hopler is the author of the Wake Up to Wonder book and the Wake Up to Wonder blog, which help people thrive through experiencing awe. She leads the communications work at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. Whitney has served as a writer, editor, and website developer for leading media organizations, including, The Salvation Army USA’s national publications, and (where she produced a popular channel on angels and miracles). She has also written the young adult novel Dream Factory. Connect with Whitney on X/Twitter and on Facebook

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