Celtic Thunder Performance of ‘Hallelujah’ is Moving


This performance takes place in an immaculate theater. You can see the enthusiastic crown as the instruments begin to play. Once the lead singer starts his incredible vocal performance to the song "Hallelujah," you can tell he is confident. He has a wonderful vocal tone. Obviously, this is a classic hit that transcends time. This song takes us back to the time of David and reminds us to praise the Lord. We see it in the Scriptures. It is always wonderful to see Biblically-based lyrics being sung on a global stage.

This Celtic Thunder vocalist has such a wonderful vibrato. He is incredibly easy to listen to, and his voice makes you want to hear more. A brief moment shows an audience member in tears over the beauty of this song.

Then, the second verse of this song discusses two different scenarios that happened in the family line of David. David and his son Solomon both fell into temptation. Even though they were great men of God, they had difficulties just like we do today.

The third verse of this song takes place, and suddenly, the other vocalists join in with their harmonies. The audience cheers loudly. The cameras zoom in on each individual singer as they all shine.

"Hallelujah" has a simple and sweet melody line, but a power punch at the end. We are reminded while listening to this song that our God is still worthy and is so good to be worshiped, even in the midst of our mistakes. He brings us back towards himself into repentance.

"In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.'" Matthew 3:1-2

WATCH: Celtic Thunder Moving ‘Hallelujah’ Performance Lyric Video

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/Celtic Thunder