Couple Explores Cave & Makes a Miraculous Discovery, Rescuing Dog Found 40-ft Down


This unbelievable adventure begins beneath Virginia’s Giant Caverns when explorers from CaveSim, joined by a local couple, unearthed a truly fur-raising discovery. They found a dog in a cave stranded some 40 feet underground! Dave Jackson and Jesse Rochette, stalwart members of this expedition, recounted how their routine spelunking escapade turned into a full-blown rescue mission.

They Explored Deeper and Found the Dog

As they explored deeper, a member of their pack yelped in surprise, “Whoa! There’s a dog down here!” Jesse Rochette said. He swiftly descended with a slice of salami, which the dog gobbled down with tail-wagging enthusiasm. Despite the chilly cave conditions, they cuddled her in space blankets and foam pads. They fashioned a cozy den with an old jacket’s hood they found.

Drawing from their rescue training and quick-thinking skills, they roughly fashioned a makeshift harness and devised a strategy to haul her out safely. It took about three hours of teamwork and perseverance to reach the surface, where the dog, now dubbed SPAR-C (Small Party Assisted Rescue – Canine), perked up instantly, sniffing the fresher air with newfound glee.

Transported to a nearby veterinary hospital and then to Giles County Animal Shelter, SPAR-C began her tail-wagging recovery journey. Described as a living miracle, she showed remarkable resilience and had no broken bones! Her spirits lifted with daily medication, rest, and nutrition as she regained a happy disposition.

God Can Work Wonders

The shelter, overwhelmed by SPAR-C’s independence, ensured her medical expenses were covered. With each step forward in her journey from cave explorer to cherished companion, they remain hopeful of reuniting her with her family or finding her a fur-ever home. This tale of bravery and canine camaraderie reminds us that every dog has its day. And SPAR-C’s day is just beginning.

It’s a humbling truth that we never quite know how God might use us. Whether through a spontaneous act of kindness, a moment of courage, or a planned mission like the rescue of SPAR-C from the cave, God can work wonders through our willingness to step up and help. Just as Jesse Rochette and his team never expected to find a trapped dog in a cave during their exploration, we, too, can find ourselves in unexpected situations where our actions can make a life-changing difference. Being open to God’s leading and ready to respond with love and compassion allows us to play a part in His larger plan of redemption and care for all His creatures.

WATCH: Dog Found in Cave is Rescued By Adventurous Couple

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©YouTube/ABC 7 Chicago