Dolly Parton Greets and Embraces Brave Young Cancer Survivor


Roe Roe, a spirited young girl, had been listening to Dolly’s uplifting songs throughout her fight against cancer. Inspired by the music that brought her comfort and strength, she made a sign to show her gratitude. The sign, read, "Dolly, your music helped me beat cancer," caught Dolly's eye during a public appearance.

Dressed in a charming pink plaid dress, Roe Roe and her sister eagerly awaited for the chance to meet their idol. When Dolly noticed the sign, she immediately made her way over to the girls, embodying the warmth and generosity for which she is renowned. She took the time to embrace both Roe Roe and her sister, creating a moment that the Tucker family will cherish forever.

Not only did Dolly share a heartfelt hug with the girls, but she also paused to allow Pearl's parents to capture the special encounter with a photograph and told Roe Roe, “I am so happy for you!” This beautiful gesture highlighted Dolly’s unwavering dedication to her fans and her truly compassionate spirit.

This moment between Dolly Parton and Pearl Monroe Tucker serves as a reminder of the profound impact that kindness and music can have on healing and hope. God bless Dolly for her empathy and love, and may Pearl continue to enjoy good health and happiness.

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Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©Instagram/Chad Tucker TV