Maina Mwaura

How Jackie Greene Stays Grounded in Her Identity through Christ

There are two things about Dr. Jackie Greene that she wants everyone to know. First, she loves Jesus more than anything, and the other is that she...
Updated Nov 08, 2024
How Jackie Greene Stays Grounded in Her Identity through Christ

There are two things about Dr. Jackie Greene that she wants everyone to know. First, she loves Jesus more than anything, and the other is that she is the proud wife of Gospel singer Travis Greene." When we talk about Travis, I can't help but smile from ear to ear. He is my best friend." For Greene, she deeply desires that when people listen to her, they see Jesus through her. In her new book, Remain in His Love, Greene wants women of Faith to be reminded that no matter what they are going through, they can count on Jesus. In a sit-down interview with Crosswalk, Greene shares her love for Jesus and how she has remained in His love. 

Crosswalk Headlines: Why do you think you resonate with your audience? 

Jackie Greene: I really try very hard to always speak from a place of heart first. I believe that many times, especially in today's culture, so many people want you to know what they know and not necessarily what they've lived through and what they've experienced; they will often tell you these beautifully packaged end-of-the-story outcomes rather than taking you on the journey that they actually live. I believe that my secret sauce, honestly, is one, my relationship with the Holy Spirit, that I am a girl and a daughter, just like anyone else, and that I am truly vulnerable. I really try to lead from a place of heart where you can feel it, where I'm not trying to hide. 

CWH: What do you want people to walk away with from the book?

JG: The book is a summation of my life; it was a snapshot of my everyday life with the Lord. Sometimes, in moments where I felt uncertain, where I needed my identity to be affirmed, where I was searching for identity, it was in times where I felt overwhelmed, and I was learning from God how to maintain the gift of blessing because the gift of blessing can sometimes be weighty. There were times when I needed to understand that I didn't have to perform my way into acceptance; as a result of the different things that the Lord showed me in the word, I wanted to be able to give as a gift to other women. Some of the things I found for myself that was true anchors for me.

CWH: Where did you get the concept of ninety days from? 

JG: I'm a girl that really believes that we do our best when we consistently go after the Lord and dig deep above the surface. I like making sure that I complete what I started, so I felt like ninety days was the right number of days to where you can actually see true transformation. 

CWH: What do you think happens when we make the decision to go after God? 

JG: The reason why I wrote the book was because the Lord challenged me. He said, "Jackie, people often pray to start but not to stay." I think the whole idea of feeding this decision is I have to make sure that I'm not just asking the Lord for the wisdom of the instruction, but then I have to ask him what supplemental things are necessary to uphold the decision I made. If we're going to make the decision to go after Him, we have to make sure that we are staying in His word. 

CWH: How do you lean into the gift mix that God has given you? 

JG: If I'm honest, I think staying true to be His daughter first. I think we can very much get hung up on titles: I'm pastor, so-and-so, I am a woman in power. I think the thing that is central that empowers and fuels all these things that I'm able to do is actually be who I am at the core, at the bottom of all these things that I'm able to do as a real person, and that real person is a beloved daughter of God. If I'm able to stay connected to the idea that I am just a beloved daughter that finds strength and instruction for these things that I'm called to do from the basis of being a daughter first sitting at the father's feet to find, I will be able to lean in fully to all the different things that the Lord has comprised me to be the beauty of who I am in Him. 

Photo Credit: ©Instagram/JackieGreene

Maina Mwaura headshotMAINA MWAURA is a freelance writer and journalist who has interviewed over 800 influential leaders, including two US Presidents, three Vice-Presidents, and a variety of others. Maina, is also the author of the Influential Mentor, How the life and legacy of Howard Hendricks Equipped and Inspired a Generation of Leaders. Maina and his family reside in the Kennesaw, Georgia area.

Originally published August 26, 2024.


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