A Prayer When Confronting Life’s Biggest Challenges | Your Daily Prayer

Emma Danzey

Dear Lord,
We come before you with one of life’s biggest challenges. We are confronting it in Jesus’ name. Your name is powerful and You can meet us in any situation. We confess that we do not like this challenge, we would never choose it, and we are wrestling Lord. Thank You that we get to come at this challenge with victory in Christ because of what You have already accomplished for us. We claim victory over our circumstances, our minds, our hearts, and our attitudes. We ask that You would give us strength to remain steadfast even in the longest trials. We pray for relief from our heavy burdens.

You tell us that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. We receive that today and cast our anxieties upon You, believing that You will sustain us. You will never let the righteous fall. But God, this doesn’t feel good, this is not what I would have chosen, we do not understand what You are doing in this. But we affirm who You are, You are trustworthy, You are working all things together for our good and Your glory because we love You. You tell us that no trial is wasted and that You can take the most broken situations and work something good into them. Your ways are higher than our own, You thoughts are not our thoughts. Thank You for seeing everything and being omniscient.

We are so grateful to be Your children who can rest in Your arms. You care for us like a Shepherd cares for his sheep. You tell us in Psalm 23:4, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Thank You for being a Good Shepherd. Thank You for helping us to walk through the darkest valleys. Thank You for walking with us and never letting us be alone. Would you give us great wisdom and guidance in our decisions and responses to the hurdles that come our way. Give us the courage that we do not have and Your beautiful peace.
We pray in your name, Jesus, amen. 

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