What Actions Can You Take to Strengthen a Drifting Faith?

Courtnaye Richard

Have you ever felt weak in your faith? Was there ever a time in your life when it seemed like you just couldn’t hold on? If so, then you are not alone. The Bible reassures us that there are believers all around the world experiencing the same thing (see 1 Peter 5:9). Here’s the good news. When we feel like we’re drifting away, we have a Savior who will lead us back to safety.

Twenty-one years ago, my husband and I were having a grand time on the beach for our honeymoon in Destin, Florida. I remember it as if it were yesterday. The winds were high, and the waves were strong, but we decided to go swimming anyway. Laying on this red raft, relaxing in the waters with my newlywed hubby, all of a sudden, I looked at the people on the shore and realized they all appeared miniature. When I turned around and looked behind me, I saw a huge wave about to wash over me. 

Immediately, I jumped off the raft, threw it off to the side, and began reaching for my husband’s hand. As he tried to reach for me, another wave rushed over and pulled me back. As I tried to get my footing, my feet kept sinking deeper into the sand. I’d drifted too far from the shore. I knew that I was in danger. 

It’s the same way with our faith. Sometimes, we can find ourselves either having too good of a time in life or not paying enough attention to the state of our own spiritual lethargy that we don’t even realize that we’re slowly drifting away from our passion for God. The writer in Hebrews warns us, “So we must listen carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it” (Hebrews 2:1). For a moment, I want to talk about what to do when you feel like you’re drifting away from your faith. 

4 Actions to Take When You Feel Like You're Drifting in Faith

  1. Recognize where you are. When I was in the Gulf of Mexico, drifting further and further away from the shore, I had to stop, sit up, and recognize where I was at that moment. I was too far out. Again, it can be the same spiritually. We could get so caught up in the affairs of this life and slowly begin drifting away. So, the first step is to pause and check the temperature of your heart. Is it still hot and on fire for Jesus, or is your fire or passion burning out? The key to igniting it again is to first recognize where you are. 
  2. Check your prayer time. If you ever find yourself in a place where talking to God is not as important as it used to be, you may be drifting away from the truth you once knew. Remember, 1 Thessalonians 4:17 encourages us to pray without ceasing. The way to combat this trick of the enemy is to be intentional about spending time in prayer. If you used to pray for 15 minutes but have gotten away from it, restart your routine with five minutes. Before you know it, you’ll be back to normal.
  3. Watch your busyness. We live in a culture where everyone is busy doing something. Busy with family. Busy with church responsibilities or functions. Busy with community outreach. Busy with work. Busy, just being busy. This can also be a strategy of our great enemy, Satan. The busier he can make us, the more we can drift away from spending time reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on the word of God (see Joshua 1:8). So be careful and watch out for drifting through busyness. 
  4. Stand strong through trials. Believe it or not, trials and the cares of this life can be a challenging combo. Some saints have drifted or fallen completely away from the faith because life has just been hard. The key to standing strong through trying times is to remember the One who carried you through before. Also, knowing that God is the only One who can truly deliver you from all of your troubles and supply all that you need (see Philippians 4:19).

Drifting is a slow fade. It doesn’t happen all at once. It’s drip by drip and little by little. Before you know it, you’ve gone too far. When my husband and I were swimming in Destin, I’d drifted beyond a safety zone. I actually forgot that I knew how to swim. But once I remembered, I quickly started swimming back towards the shore to safety. 

When or if you ever find yourself falling away from God, recognize where you are. Remember that you are a child of the Most High King. Don’t stop praying. Know who you’re living for and who can help you during your trial. Lastly, don’t let anything or anyone rob you of your affection from the Lord. As James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”


Photo Credit: GettyImages/fizkes