God of Miracles - Homeword - October 15

God of Miracles

This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. —John 11:43

There are moments in life that undeniably point to God. I call these miracles. I love reading the story in the Bible about Lazarus. When Jesus received word that Lazarus was sick, he waited two days before heading back to Judea to see him. Upon arriving in Bethany, Lazarus’ sisters asked Jesus why He had stayed away so long, for their brother was now dead. If only He had been there, things would be different. They were overwhelmed with grief and it was difficult for them to believe that Jesus, their Lord, could do anything for them. In fact, they felt Jesus had let them down. In the midst of disbelief, Jesus did the impossible and raised Lazarus from the dead.

Why was it so hard for Mary and Martha to believe? They knew Jesus as Lord, they had seen Him perform miracles, and they knew Jesus loved them. Yet, they still doubted. Perhaps it felt too late or too impossible to ask Jesus to bring him back to life. Perhaps, they shut the door of hope at the same time they shut the tomb. Whatever the case was, they had given up and were hurt that Jesus had not been there when they needed Him.

I sometimes do the same thing. I hope for the miracle, but I don’t always ask for it. I know what I want, but I neglect to recognize that the God of the Universe wants to bless me. And in this story there is a reminder. Jesus wants us to hope in Him and to trust Him in all things. From situations we think are hopeless to a gentle nudging to slow down, Jesus is not late. He is right on time.


1. Where in your life have you experienced a miracle?

2. What keeps you from believing that God can do all things?


John 11:17-43; Psalm 96:1-6; Matthew 9:23-24

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